diy solar

diy solar

Too many projects, now where did I put that...


Aspiring apprentice
Feb 25, 2021
OK. Perhaps I am the only one. I have more than one project going on right now. Between a bathroom remodel and a portable build I have tools distributed in creative places to help me get things done. As a result the neat and orderly has well, sort of lost its place.

Currently looking for a wire stripper I picked up recently. It is someplace. Now if I can just place my hands on it.

OK. Found it. Now to get that component. Gosh, now I need to make another trip to the big box store for a ...

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.
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Frequently... I normally find tools wherever I put them down last but find other tools in the process 😂.
A few years back I found one of my favorite knives on the top of the window frame in the garage, must have been using it when I was wiring it up and couldn't find the wire stripper.
Easiest solution, buy more tools 😉
OK. Perhaps I am the only one. I have more than one project going on right now. Between a bathroom remodel and a portable build I have tools distributed in creative places to help me get things done. As a result the neat and orderly has well, sort of lost its place.

Currently looking for a wire stripper I picked up recently. It is someplace. Now if I can just place my hands on it.

OK. Found it. Now to get that component. Gosh, now I need to make another trip to the big box store for a ...

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.
What keeps disappearing on me are my utility knives. Have lost 4 in the last year an half. I keep having the urge the find them, but whenever i go to the home improvement store I buy a different brand in hope that a different color will make it easier to find. So far none of them have shown back up. It's really weird.
What keeps disappearing on me are my utility knives. Have lost 4 in the last year an half. I keep having the urge the find them, but whenever i go to the home improvement store I buy a different brand in hope that a different color will make it easier to find. So far none of them have shown back up. It's really weird.
Same. I just assume they're hanging out with all the disappearing socks.
One thing experience taught me from all my years of various projects and not being methodical is to make a special effort to return tools and supplies to where they are supposed to be. Even with that as a habit I still occasionally screw up and end up hunting for a item I just knew I had left somewhere.

Little story: When I would be spending a long time looking for a misplaced item My Dad would enjoying telling me, "it is likely where you left it last".

However when it comes to finding that item, fastener, tool you just know you had at one point and having to buy a new one. Somehow the one you had will show up just afterwards, looking all innocent, like it had been there all along.
What keeps disappearing on me are my utility knives. Have lost 4 in the last year an half. I keep having the urge the find them, but whenever i go to the home improvement store I buy a different brand in hope that a different color will make it easier to find. So far none of them have shown back up. It's really weird.
I've got at least a half dozen somewhere... I've found the folding milwaukee ones don't vanish as easy, it's really strange.
Moving circuits from the grid panel to the solar panel.
Wiring in 3 phase inverters in the barn.
Adding split phase circuits in the barn.
Building a chicken coop.
Planting the garden.
And more.

Last trip I bought 6 utility knives. I still may need to buy more.
Consider the phrase “it was in the last place I looked “. Well yeah. Why would I want to keep looking after that? Lol
Nope. And I certainly did not spend 2 hours today getting all the tools, wire, components, etc our of my sxs and back into the vicinity of their proper place.
About 5 projects ago I said I cannot start another one without dealing with this mountain on top of the tool chest.

The quarter inch ratchets have been all gone in the pile for months and I'm just learning to live without them now.
I am a lifelong mechanic and have over $100,000 dollars worth of hand tools and another couple hundred thousand in equipment in my shop.
I have all ways cleaned and stored my tools after each job and still lose tools.
Last week I found a stubby 3/8 inch ratchet I lost over 10 year's ago.
Still can't find any of the 40 or 50 10mm sockets I have bought over the year's.
I think there are gremlin's about who have a great time moving your stuff around and watching you look for it.
Never. No, wait, always. Wait till you get into the “Why did I walk into this room?” stage of your life. And don’t forget the “Took off my glasses so I can see better, but can’t see well enough to find where I put them down” paradigm.
Every, darn, time - go upstairs, or into the garage... "Why did I come up here...? Oh right!" I also have multiple pairs of glasses stashed away for just such occasions!
LMAO, sooo true. I am currently hunting a 20v battery for my drill that simply vanished mid project.
OK. Perhaps I am the only one. I have more than one project going on right now. Between a bathroom remodel and a portable build I have tools distributed in creative places to help me get things done. As a result the neat and orderly has well, sort of lost its place.

Currently looking for a wire stripper I picked up recently. It is someplace. Now if I can just place my hands on it.

OK. Found it. Now to get that component. Gosh, now I need to make another trip to the big box store for a ...

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.
Daily. I feel your pain..

Especially the “ Why did I come in here ?”
We are in the middle of freshening up our current home for sale/ packing and I think I spend as much time looking for tools as I do working!
I think the utility knife and the screw gun are in cahoot's with each other to see which one can make me search the longest!