diy solar

diy solar

How long can you (and your family) survive if the grid went down for an extended period?

My father was an AVID hunter, and he passed along many skills and weapons to me.

We lost a LOT of weapons exiting IRAN in 79... but a lot did make it out.
And I have a few gems of his, along with many I have acquired since.

I reload everything I own, and missing a target isn't something I understand.

I certainly wouldn't consider myself a tacticool purchaser...

But don't break into my home...
My father was an AVID hunter, and he passed along many skills and weapons to me.

We lost a LOT of weapons exiting IRAN in 79... buy a lot did make it out.
And I have a few gems of his, along with many I have acquired since.

I reload everything I own, and missing a target isn't something I understand.

I certainly wouldn't consider myself a tacticool purchaser...

But don't break into my home...
I have a ton of different stuff…mostly built Mauser, Springfield, and Remington actions. My dad’s stuff plus my stuff from life pre Army. Lots of wildcat stuff. I’ve bought a few other pieces through the years. Tons of reloads and components.

I’ll get back to hunting at some point. One I get my life straightened out and projects completed.

But yep, there’s usually a shotgun or revolver within reach. I got em squirreled away lol.
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scavengers/looters will move on to easy targets if you start shooting at them. I live in a liberal shit hole currently. So I doubt anyone’s armed. The mob will bother them, not me. In fact, since they are unarmed, eat organic, and mostly grass fed, I have a pretty much unlimited supply of healthy protein.
So what your saying is its the armed totalitarians that will form the looting mobs?

I think your oversimplified stereotyping would't last you too long if the Sh#t did hit the fan... Theres a lot of folks that park themselves right in the middle in the middle between the extremists in the common sense zone that might surprise you just because they arent the type to brag on forums about it..
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Well, we have 12 shutzhund/IPO trained american Staffordshire terriers ( = American Pitbull Terriers) ..

I am pretty sure we will be skipped as easy targets..
And as guns are not an issue here...
Arent you in europe? plenty of guns there.. The forests were scattered with them for decades.. You just dont hear about folks bragging about them like in the states.
Arent you in europe? plenty of guns there.. The forests were scattered with them for decades.. You just dont hear about folks bragging about them like in the states.
Well the gun that are here are either army or police..
Hunting some too, but require very very strict mental testing and background checks ..
Criminals sometimes have them, but they are few and far between, and mostly used on other criminals

Born and raised with guns, but can't say I miss them for a second here.
So what your saying is its the armed totalitarians that will form the looting mobs?

I think your oversimplified stereotyping would't last you too long if the Sh#t did hit the fan... Theres a lot of folks that park themselves right in the middle in the middle between the extremists in the common sense zone that might surprise you just because they arent the type to brag on forums about it..
The hunting aspect is accurate. It took until late 1980s plus CRP and other conservation programs for deer populations to recover from the Great Depression (and some 1950s-60s field expansions by bulldozing of riparian areas). I am old enough to remember when seeing a deer was a fairly rare thing - in Missouri!
never had that issue in indiana.. too many fields of sweet corn for them to fatten up on.
I say that if it gets that far there’s going to be the lucky among the survivors that survive the survivors. And if it ‘gets that far’ either war nuclear or powerstation nuclear will finish off the equation.
In “war games” (not actual war, but people discussing teotwaki from a non-war causation; brainstorming if you will) where possible ‘post failures’ are evaluated and considered in realistic, non-fantasy terms there is often discussed stages: lag time, panic hunger, desperation aggression and mass die-off, a period where those that have things in place to survive do, then an aggression wave, then a new ‘normalcy’ however that transpires.
It is likely most of us- myself included- are probably not going to make it through Stage 3 even if we can. We will defend to survive, not to death in general, and without allegiances and a plan B and C survival will achieve our death by one means or another.
I’m not despondent or trying to be a killjoy or lack hope. Rather I’m pragmatic about being sensitive to the situation and responding appropriately, and accepting my - our- vulnerabilities.
once the masses run out of gasoline to power their cars they are toast. you have a few folks that can walk for miles regardless.... how many of them are armed? who knows. I walked 10 miles to pick my sisters ashes up from the closest funeral home in 2010. it took me several hours in the hottest months in Indiana and to tell the truth i had no energy left on the return to trip to start any shit whatsoever.. and I was fairly healthy then.

This was home on emergency leave form my DOD job, no car, (no US license for that matter), and Mom was off at work... mom had no cash to buy an urn...i took care of it including the 6+ hour walk back and forth.

just saying most folks have never walked 10 or 20 miles with any kind of load. I was out of the Corps by 12 years and it still messed me up as I had not been training to do it for a while.
Surviving as described here sounds less than fun, and in my life fun and happiness and the joy of living a wonderful, peaceful life is paramount. I guess I'm one of the weirdos who prefers quality over quantity, and a future such as shown in Metropolis, Clockwork Orange, Road Warriors et al will lead me to the nearest exit. 95% of my solar use is for a stable power supply to keep me in espresso - 1500w, the rest of the house 1kw per day and a 10kw battery. Enough for several days, and enough trees to keep me roasting and using a moka pot until the coffee farm can't produce. If I'm not dead of old age by then. Survival is way too much work.
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never had that issue in indiana.. too many fields of sweet corn for them to fatten up on.
North part of Missouri is not all that different. But a mix of field corn, other grains, and pasture. I guess what I'm saying, is that we have food sources for them too. But seeing deer in the early 80s? That was once in a couple of months type thing. Not a dodge them every night on way home thing like it is now.