diy solar

diy solar

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  • Research into extending lithium battery life

    Just read this linked article on Reddit. Seems like an interesting discovery. Basically it says that putting a high discharge for a short time on a full battery can extend the life of it up to 30%. The "islands" of lithium that form after years of cycling, partially responsible for the loss of...
  • Unattended system during rainy season

    I am offgrid in Thailand. I have a new 280ah EVE LiFePo4 bank that I built with JK 8S BMS. I am here 3 to 6 months of the year and everything is packed up while I am away the other 9 to 6 months of the year (eg. the rainy season). Up until this year I have had Deepcycle Lead Acid cells and...
  • Guesstimating compression pressure

    Hi All. I hope this doesn't anger too many people with its lack of refinement or accurate measurement. And maybe I might be better off to ignore compression altogether, but here I am! I have an 8s configuration of EVE LF280K batteries in a 2x4 configuration. Ie. 4 rows of 2 batts. This fits...
  • What is my correct SOC? BMS ok?

    Hi all, I've been lurking and learning for awhile and finally just built a new 24v, EVE 280ah LiFePO4 system. I am cost conscious so using components that have been recommended by the various well-known youtubers; EPEVER 4210 SCC TR16/AiLi Battery Monitor (350A shunt) JK/Jikong 8s BMS...
  • My JK and my meat

    Offgrid... 4 months into my pack build. We've had a series of rainy and cloudy days here and I had to go the mainland to deal with a minor health issue. It rurns out I had to stay longer than planned and an overnight trip turned into 4! When I got back to the island the house lights didn't work...
  • Cycle life chart or stats at different DoD?

    Can someone help me find what I am looking for? Eg. my 280ah eve cells are rated at 6000 cycles for 80% dod But what is the expected cycle life at 50%, 90%, 95%, 100% dod? I am having trouble finding the right graphs or charts or tables. My googling game must be off as I think this should be...
  • Old style Epever ebox-ble-01

    Posted this in the general forum but didn't get much for replies: Hi there, I have an Epever Tracer A.... Not "AN", but "A". It's old but works and I don't want to replace it. (Apparently the only difference between the A and AN is that internally the A has a pos ground. Whatever.) For remote...
  • Old style blue Epever ebox - ble - 01

    Hi there, I have an Epever Tracer A.... Not "AN", but "A". It's old but works and I don't want to replace it. (Apparently the only difference between the A and AN is that internally the A has a pos ground. Whatever.) For remote monitoring purposes, the easiest way for me is to use an old cell...
  • Bank Capacity vs Cycle Capacity

    I've read a lot of @Steve_S posts on battery charging parameters, and reviewed the SoC charts etc. but something isn't clear to me. He says the working voltages that represent 95% of the batteries capacity is between 3.0v and 3.4v Should I take this to mean that I set my charging parameters up...
  • Trying to Calibrate JK BMS

    I am trying to set the calibration voltage on my JK 8S BMS but every time I tap "OK" it says system entry failure. Why? I read it has to have a very low load, so I disconnected everything and tried again - still no joy. Any ideas? TIA
  • Any experience with Fiona Wu/Shenzhen Dery?

    I have ordered two sets of batteries through Shenzhen Basen in the past. One shipment to Canada, one to Thailand. Both times very happy! Unfortunately now Aimee is telling me that DDP shipping has stopped to Thailand this week and I need another pack asap so am trying to find another vendor...