diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by BryceFreeman

  1. B

    New solar searching website

    Pretty amazing! It will be a nice tool for solar builders and beginners. Just one more little thing..some famous brands cannot be found in the drop down menu. Will you update the list in the following versions?
  2. B

    GStar 550w Panels?

    I mean the comments and feedback on the panel...not familiar with the brand
  3. B

    Did I do OK? Less than 2% of power from grid in less than a year.

    Amazing! Only 1% power from grid for such a huge power consumption, ultimate goal of off-grid living (y)
  4. B

    GStar 550w Panels?

    How's the rating and where is the company from?
  5. B

    Not grounding panels

    Thank you...that was what an engineer told me...maybe something's wrong ? I'll read the other posts in this thread and learn more.
  6. B

    Hello guys I'm new here. I work for a China battery company and I guess I know something you're interesting in. Ask whatever you wanna know

    Tbh I have to say it reads more like an article written by a non-native speaker student ? very formal, speaks like a book. I knew it cause I was one of them?
  7. B

    Not grounding panels

    Three ways, ebay, amazon and official website, you can check them and find the cheapest one to purchase ?
  8. B

    Not grounding panels

    No problem. Nothing will happen.
  9. B

    Is it practical for me to live off grid with no electricity and with that internet?

    It's almost impossible to live without electricity at all now....let alone you need internet for online business.
  10. B

    Eco-Worthy 12v 280Ah

    Have you got the test result of the other two?
  11. B

    Panel experts Help! What is this?

    I forwarded your pic to engineer and was told bifacial panel was designed with transparent backsheet so the panel is intact, just like you said ? that was why I asked about color, not missing materials?
  12. B

    Selecting battery type on cheap Chinese controller (no manual)

    Which company is of the controller, Blue or Xinpuguang? A photo should be better for your question I think.