diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Cubsfan143

  1. C

    Series or parallel for cold set up

    Ok, thanks for explaining that. I do understand the difference. I guess what I still am trying to decide or get more clarity on is then does it make more sense to go parallel or series for my application. Which is trying to make sure With the weak short days winter sun, would going parallel...
  2. C

    Series or parallel for cold set up

    Thanks for the response and info. That’s what I’m looking to learn and why I’m asking this stuff. But I honestly don’t know exactly what your telling me? So are you saying even if I had 5 10amp producing panels in parallel the power going into my batteries will still be throttled by charge...
  3. C

    Series or parallel for cold set up

    Hello. Great forum. Learned a lot. But always need more data! Ha. Here is my situation, It’s an off grid setting. High mountain cabin. I was gifted most of this set up so while I’m sure you have good intentions, I’m not asking what I “should” have bought or etc…. Just trying to decide the...