diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by DaBeaver

  1. D

    Federal Tax Credits for Upgrades

    I bought 15kW of pv panels last year(2023), I plan to buy inverters/batteries this year and do the install, the panels being purchased in a year other-than the year they were installed should NOT be an issue for claiming the tax credit correct?
  2. D

    36KW water heater? How could you even...

    Are you attempting to convince me that a non-heat pump standard electric hot water heater can be as efficient as a tankless electric hot water heater?
  3. D

    Trying to set up a small solar array for an rv

    Please tell me you’re using a lithium 12v, I RV’d for a year and was too cheap to go to LFP til just before we finished. Wow, what a difference, we burned through 2 sets of lead acid cells in a year (partially my fault for abusing them) so not only did I have worse cells but I ended up not...
  4. D

    36KW water heater? How could you even...

    I am not on a TOU rate
  5. D

    36KW water heater? How could you even...

    Lots of hand-wringing here, the electric tankless heater will not be on a panel that’s backed up by batteries or solar. Statements that a massive inverter array would be needed to power it are true, statements that a massive PV array would be needed are mostly not true, total energy used by a...
  6. D

    36KW water heater? How could you even...

    I plan to install one in a place I’m currently building, total efficiency is notably better than a normal tank-having water heater but worse than a heat-pump water heater. The main draws to me are space savings and aesthetics, the house will have 400A service and 14kW of PV.
  7. D

    No longer selling -- 2x EG4 18KPV-12LV AIO Hybrid Inverters

    I’m in the market for an 18k and on vacation in AZ, pm me with contact info
  8. D

    Opinions solicitation. Future battery price trend?

    The constituent materials for LFP cells are around $60/kWh. Unless demand outmatches supply, prices will slowly trend toward that figure (though that figure changes with commodity prices, so be aware it’s a moving target)
  9. D

    Help with grid-interactive EG4 18k config

    Thank you everyone in this thread for such quick, knowledgeable, helpful responses?. I’ve been part of quite a few forums and this is the most helpful, high-quality set of responses to a noob (me) that I’ve yet experienced. I’m going to go with 2x 200A panels and feed the main house panel...
  10. D

    Help with grid-interactive EG4 18k config

    Yes, I’m also very familiar with EV battery sizes (and energy math in general, I made a custom button on my iPhone calculator to convert BTU to kWh and vice versa as I did that conversion a lot), not planning on getting a Hummer EV but maybe a dual motor cybertruck (for which I have a...
  11. D

    Help with grid-interactive EG4 18k config

    Right, that’s why I’m positing a second much less fancy but much more powerful inverter. I’m not sure if such a thing exists though. Re battery math, I have a very good intuitive sense of it, batteries are the part of the system I’m most familiar with.
  12. D

    Help with grid-interactive EG4 18k config

    I did consider multiple 18k, but for now it shouldn’t be necessary, 30kWh of server rack batteries usually have 30kW available though, would it be possible back up the other panel exclusively from the batteries with some manual switching and a dedicated single-function inverter?
  13. D

    Help with grid-interactive EG4 18k config

    This is what I’d assumed would happen. It should be possible to wire a giant manual switch between the panels in case I really wanted the non-critical loads panel backed up though correct? Would probably want to cut the line to the grid at the same time if I ever activated such a thing