diy solar

diy solar

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  • LVX6048 control boards

  • Damage to Panels?

    While perusing Clipping articles I found this- "Here, it helps to think in terms of thermodynamics. Modules are only about 20% efficient at converting sunlight into energy—and the rest, 80%, is largely dissipated as heat. So, say an inverter is clipping 25% of the array’s production . Then in...
  • decent LED lights

    This person has lights that perform well with my LVX6048. All other lights that I have tested have flickered with my 2 LVX units. Here is the seller minus the live link as sometimes that is not allowed. Change x to t. hxxps:// This light is an old-style light that...
  • EG-4 rs-485 driver

    Would anyone have a link to the driver for the EG-4 battery usb rs485 cable that comes with their battery? I have not been able to locate the driver from their website and windows update is failing to locate the driver. (win 10) I have 1 of 6 that is not playing well with the others and am...