diy solar

diy solar

Most reacted threads

  • eg418kpv wifi dongle

    eg418kpv is giving me grief. I plug in the dongle but the INV LED does not come on, let alone even blink. Anyone know what's up?
  • Surge protection advice

    I've installed a 2nd mini split and the company suggested I get a surge protector. I looked into this when putting together my solar system and my eyes started to cross, so I said screw it, I'll worry about it later. Rather than 2 separate protectors, I figured I'd shoot for a whole house unit...
  • Battery cables through the wall

    I've installed my inverter in the garage and will located the batteries in the adjacent room, the mud room. The distance is < 8'. I cannot find much regarding battery cables & conduit. I have no code enforcement. What type of conduit should be used in this situation?
  • Cheap mini solar field build

    I might do a build thread. The grid would be a backup to the system until the budget permits for 100% off-grid. I'd love to remove the power poles! No back feeding the grid. I'm bouncing back & forth between the Eg418 + 6 EG4 batts and SolArk15 + 5 SOK batts with 12-14kw of pv's. The only...
  • How to balance batteries?

    My 6 lifepo4's weren't balanced. 1 battery was way out of whack, like 20% off the rest. This was after 5 months of smooth sailing through fall and winter. Sig Solar says to cycle them. I did this, got them down to 17% (I'm set to go to 10%) then used the grid to bring them up to 99%...
  • An AC and a DC question please.

  • PV cables & grounds

    I think I know the answers but I do not know, so if there's anyone out there that does and is willing to share their knowledge, thank you! 1. The wire that came connected to the solar panels is 12 awg. I'm using 10 awg to run panels to the inverter. From the inverter, it would be 10, then 12...
  • EG4 battery rack, 6 batteries & 2 pairs of wire?

    How are the 2 pairs of 2/0 awg cables supposed to be connected to the rack? Everything I see has 1 pair of cables, yet I was sent 2? And why 2 pairs instead of 1 larger pair?
  • Partial panel shade & how much is too much?

    I've got 2 minor shade issues. The post and the overlapped panel. This row of panels is currently set at 45.4ish* for winter. The post is an issue with each panel but they will be cut down all at the same height, just above the panel's frames. Still, I'll be faced with this issue again as these...
  • Does mini field need surge protection?

    I made a couple posts asking for SPD advice. I believe Midnight Solar is what I'll use. This is what they recommend for my house, eg4 18kpv, batteries & pv's... "For your system we would recommend an MNSPD-300-AC outside with a 2p 30a breaker in the outside breaker box to protect everything...
  • EG4 18kpv modding knock out's???

    Rather than using the provided knock outs at the bottom of the wire box, I'd like to enter in though the back of it. Will drilling holes in the inverter's wire box void the warranty? #5 under warranty refers to "altering", but that's very vague.
  • Siemens QSA spd?

    I've been on the hunt for a surge protector. I'm wondering if anyone has anything good or bad to write about this one. It was recommended to me from a tech at Siemens which is the manufacturer of my panel. They also recommended First Surge, but I like the QSA spd as it looks like it'd be a...