diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Joeysnowy

  1. J

    Review of Cerrnss LiFePo4 48V100ah battery modules

    Wow OK guys sorry to hear about this experience you both had...I'm now down to Bettenergy as perhaps my final candidate for a battery shipped from overseas
  2. J

    Getting Solar Panels and Lithium Batteries From Sunpal Power

    Oof this has occurred several times, seems like a strong case to avoid this manufacturer
  3. J

    Hangzhou Goosolar New Energy?

    Thanks bud, looking at this now
  4. J

    Hangzhou Goosolar New Energy?

    Hi Adrian, did you have a good experience with this seller? Thanks in advance, Joe
  5. J

    Review of Cerrnss LiFePo4 48V100ah battery modules

    Did this get resolved? Is this why the thread went dead?
  6. J

    SunArk Inverter + WallArk LifePo4 Powerwall

    @Onesime I see you're an installer in the US and are using Sunark, so I'm guessing that you've been happy with the quality so far?
  7. J

    SunArk Inverter + WallArk LifePo4 Powerwall

    Ah gotcha, literal minefield trying to find batteries on alibaba it seems 🤦‍♂️😂
  8. J

    SunArk Inverter + WallArk LifePo4 Powerwall

    SolArk and SunArk don't appear to be the same company, unless I'm mistaken? Have been chatting with the rep on alibaba but unsure after reading these posts
  9. J

    SunArk Inverter + WallArk LifePo4 Powerwall

    Any follow up? I'm also tempted by Sunark?