diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    Our monthly average is 600kwh in winter, and 1200kwh in summer months where we have AC turned on.
  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    very noob here, still in process of learning things. I am trying to put together what is needed to build a grid tied solar system for a single detached home here in ottawa where there is snow for 5 months. Our monthly average is 600kwh in winter, and 1200kwh in summer months where we have AC...
  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    Sounds good, thank you very much for the intro. A few followups, 1) what is RSD, how can I find out if RSD is required? 2) Any name brands for string inverters? 3) what is a good reliable kwh inverter output range to look at 4/6/10/12 kwh? 4) Also if a inverter is 10KWH, does it mean, it can...
  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    Wow, thank you very much for the insights. I am going to call the city energy office regarding the RSD 0) What is SMA? 1) The whole process of this is to find out a cost for installation (DIY) and find out the ROI, and then decide if it is a good investment. Is there a better way to assess if...
  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    Thank you very much for the detailed summary, we are on time of use rate plan. I will spend some time on more research and get back with questions if any. What is a sweet spot ROI for solar systems?
  • Post in thread: Circuit diagram for grid tie to backfeed for net metering

    One more clarification on the last part, since I am looking for grid tied, are you saying that I dont have to worry about upping the inverter to handle the peak load of the AC since for the peak load at the start, it will be drawing from the grid instead of PV system. Can you clarify?