diy solar

diy solar

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  • Hello problem with balance one cell

    Hello i have 280 Ah kit with 3.2 lifepot4 batteries one sell seems not to work with the others .I change her position from number 10 to 14 cell ...can you help me. I have seplos bms
  • Balance my seplos BMS 200A

    Hello to all.!!! One battery voltage from my 16 batteries kit is low.....its 3.024 mV all the others cells is between 3.293-3.295 mV. My batteries kit is SEPLOS MASON with BMS 200A with Bluetooth. And 280AH batteries. Can someone help me. Thanks in advance.
  • Problem with my mason seplos DIY kit BMS

    Hello Thanks to all in advance!!! I have a problem with my seplos 200A Mason BMS. My Battery rate is 280AH and my BMS shows 200AH .Also it couldn't charge more than 80%. I connect with my PC to BMS I change rate to 280AH . In my PC seems it change ...but in my Battery LCD was 200AH I make...