diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Off Grid Campsite

    Looking at 12v TVs here in Canada they start around $250. I may have to take a southern vacation and pick up a few deals while there.
  • Post in thread: Off Grid Campsite

    Hi. I am planning a system to power my travel trailer at an off grid campsite. Initially 400w of panels, MPPT controller with 2x100wh LiPo batteries and a 2000w pure sine wave inverter. Panels, batteries etc to be mounted on a small shed 25 to 40’ from the trailer. Trailer requires about 40...
  • Post in thread: Off Grid Campsite

    I keep swapping plans on this, I don’t want to actually mount anything on the trailer itself. Hadn’t realized such a loss with the converter and inverter. Having the third battery in the system wouldn’t balance that out? Planning to build a secure enclosure to house everything at the trailer and...
  • Post in thread: Off Grid Campsite

    Yes, intend for the shed to be strong enough to support all the panels on the roof with the inverter and batteries inside. Running a length of 10/2 or 12/2 to carry the 120v is a good idea, still trying to decide if this will meet my power needs or should I follow some other suggestions and stay...