diy solar

diy solar

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  • Near-grid generation & usage (NGG? NGGU?)

    Near-grid generation & usage is something I know many people do, but I rarely see it discussed as such. Do you own a solar calculator. ? Are you using it in a grid-connected building? Do you use a battery in your notebook? Do you ever power it with solar panels or from your car? Then you're...
  • Nightime AC by way of daytime freezing using dump load - is my plan crazy?

    I have about 2kw of solar cells on my roof. My housing situation is stationary, but I can limit my insulated space to an 8' cube. I have some batteries, but I don't want to depend on cycling them them to run my A/C unit. I'm thinking I'll get a standard 120v deep freezer and use it to chill...
  • Diy battery level indicators

    having found This instructible about creating a battery level indicator, i come to ask the experts here, whether it can be adapted to a 24v battery. It stops at 15v. By my untrained logic, it seems it's just extended by adding more LEDS and resistors. To my thinking, the diodes are 3v each...
  • Answered: Most both legs be the same length?

    I have three pair of solar panels feeding my mppt controller. I want to increase it to four, or increase the number of panels in each pair. My controller can handle the voltage. At present, the negative and positive wires to each are the same size, but I achieve that by leaving the longer...
  • 36v output mppt?

    Hello, and thanks in advance for suggestions. I bought a small herd of these: And I need an mppt charger and an inverter to use them. Do...
  • Victron mppt auto-recovering from low voltage disconnect?

    Hello, I have a victron 100|50 and a failing 24v battery bank. Most days, the battery bank makes it through the day & night to the next sunrise (charge cycle). Except when it doesn't. Is the victron 100|50 capable of powering itself back on for 24v battery charging in cases where the battery...
  • Victron 100|50 resetting to 12v

    It's not often, but once or twice a year i'll run my 24v batteries too low to power the Victron 100|50 SCC in the morning, so it shuts down. When that happens the scc forgets that it's supposed to charge my batteries at 24v, instead of 12 v. Is there a way to permanently set this setting so...
  • How do magnets in the presence of photovoltaics or DC wire change DC current?

    I'm thinking of using some rare-earth magnets to hold tools & such near some of my panels. We're well aware that DC, when wrapped correctly around an iron nail, produces an electromagnet. That effect is what I'm finding, almost exclusively, when searching for "strong magnets effect on...
  • Is my Yeti 1000 Lithium on the death curve?

    My yeti 1000 hasn't been charging up for weeks. I have had two plug-in chargers hooked up to it. Even then, they only seemed to charge during daylight hours. Now I have solar hooked up to it, but it's not picking up anything. It's been cloudy for a few days, so I'm not counting much on...
  • Appliances for Nonstandard voltages

    What would make it worth it to use batteries originally built to voltages outside of the usual 12/24/36/48 paradigm? I'm seeing a new battery @ 150 volts from one source, and others at nominal 11 (not 12) volts, but then I have to figure on buying new inverters & charge controllers for each, an...
  • Inverter needed bc I bought 2nd hand batteries on poor planning :P

    So I fell for a sales pitch a few years ago and....bought 3.4 herds of batteries from some hookup place because I thought they sounded like a good deal. They may still be, if I can use the power storage. The batteries have a nominal of 32.85 volts. fully discharged 25.2v fully charged 37.8v...
  • Vanadium?

    I'm not an investor (considering it though) - had anyone here had experience with vanadium batteries?
  • What BAD THING happens when you combine different voltages on one wire?

    Laying out a few scenarios. For the sake of simplifying discussion, assume 1) the wires used are sufficient to carry the HIGH SOURCE AND THE LOW SOURCE combined, however, in cases where Really Bad Things happen, these are not impervious to melting or exploding. 2) IN cases using DC ONLY...
  • Appliance discussion / rating area

    I was going to post (another?) Thread requesting recommendations on minisplits, after I read through one on refrigerators & freezers. Can't afford one atm but a guy can dream right? I didn't know where to put it. It *could* be of interest to tiny-home, but also to vehicle or shed homes. Can...
  • Fluid Heat-sinking an air conditioner?

    Idk what else to call this. Iirc i saw some hack of a window shaker where the hot side coils were bundled to, or submerged into, water or glycol to carry the heat away. Has anyone else seen this and if you have can you link the vid?
  • Staged charge / discharge cycles

    By way of analogy: most people who use computers understand that there are different storage levels (RAM vs Hard Disk vs Thumb drives, for instance) and they have different speeds for different price points. What would it cost and what would the benefits be, if we took a similar approach to...
  • Shunbin batteries -blinkenlights

    I have three, 24v, 200AH shun bin batteries (I know, but it's not like I can return them). So far I haven't changed anything in the cases, but since I'm stuck with them I'm using them. One of them has started blinking at 26.4 volts. The other two seem happy at 26.6 and higher [they've gone...