diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by sunsurfer

  1. S

    Metal case / cheap 24v 200ah battery. Anyone use this particular battery or have info on it?

    Thanks. I went ahead and ordered them. I will open the hood on them once they get here.
  2. S

    Metal case / cheap 24v 200ah battery. Anyone use this particular battery or have info on it?

    I am looking to pick up 2 of these. I couldn't find any info, anywhere on them. Manufacture claims to have a propriety BMS. 24V 200Ah LiFePO4 Battery 24V Lithium Battery, Built-in 200A BMS, Max. 5120Wh They are the fastest ship date and a fine price. I just need something to replace dead lead...
  3. S

    Happened again, DIY battery fire

    If it bothers them enough, put them in a shed. Problem solved. Best part is, we don't need a bunch of gov bloat to hold our hand and make us feel safe.
  4. S

    Happened again, DIY battery fire

    Maybe they should stop building used 18650 power walls with legos and sears soldering irons.
  5. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    The title of the tread pretty much sums up the situation. Started in the 80's and now has become a cult following.
  6. S

    Gonna suck

    Do you have genny you could run while you hook up those panels? Been there done that. I went off grid two years ago. First summer with almost no gear was brutal. I think I spend $800 on fuel in one month. Gas was over $5 a gallon.
  7. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    Well I think I pointed out some pretty good things, let me know if anything that I said is not true and I will correct it. HFs are pretty good now a days but I don't see the point personally. Still not going that route,....ever.
  8. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    This is very true! The FETs on either system still have the pedal to the metal but its that sharp spike that is really hard on electronics. There is SOME extra kick with a transformer that is not there is pure direct FET switching. The transformer "lag" also prevents less shorted load through...
  9. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    More then likely and "open" FET is the case. Thats just the common failure mechanism in general. I have heard rebuilders that have seen shorted but they see a much higher volume. There is more to consider then just a shorted FET. I look at the overall picture. I think a transformer outputed...
  10. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    Thats amazing. I still would not buy an inverter without transformer isolation. Just can't do it. Sorry. I want a well built truck not a Ferrari.
  11. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    The "flywheel" affect is just one aspect and I agree, they are making the HF inverters pretty well driven now a days. Still, I will take a pass on HF inverters. Maybe for a random use but for my home, I don't see any advantage. I want my gear robust and HF is not that type of design. Sorry to...
  12. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    I believe the FETs are at around 180v DC to get your 120v wave form with over head included. They drive the wave form directly so no, there is NO isolation. Pull up a typical HF diagram and you will see with your own eyes. So, one shorted FET and you have 180v DC on your home mains. This is not...
  13. S

    AIO High Frequency Invertors. Warning They don't Have An Iron Core Copper Wound Output Transformer.

    You are really poking the hornets nest with this one......should be an interesting thread. You need to go back in time if you really want to understand the reason we have HF or what is a better term "no transformer" inverters. Think cheap gear from China back in the old days when inverters were...
  14. S

    Lead-acid battery price per pound or other uses for dead Trojan L16 batteries?

    If you figure out how to EASILY get the lead into a more pure state out of used batteries I would love to hear. I would make some solid plate DIY batteries
  15. S

    Need help choosing solar panels and inverter

    Yea, it seems to be about $500-$600 more. You would likely be fine since you have been on the 1.2k Samlex. Your system design will make it easy to add gear later and you could just add another 3k down the road.