diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Newbee... following Will and learning about proper solar arrays and systems.

    There are a few solar "geeks" I like to follow and learn from on YouTube. They are usually my "go-to" sources for when it comes to solar energy and LiFePO4 batteries. I've built TWO solar systems using the typical 12 volt systems. One was for a tiny house I had built, and the other, here most...
  • Post in thread: Solar powering air conditioner

    Hey @Tombaker, I find that an AC unit that has "INVERTER" technology uses much less energy than an AC unit that doesn't have the inverter technology (now, don't ask me what is 'inverter technology.' It's new to me). Some mini-splits have about 12,000 BTU capabilities that only draw about five...
  • Post in thread: Inverter Sizing

    I "second" this recommendation. Always go higher than your TOTAL load consumption AND always leave yourselves plenty of room for options. Also, consider that if you come close to "maxing" the inverter's load capabilities, the inverter can get hot.
  • Post in thread: How To Properly Ground System

    I went to this site. Thanks for sharing it! It contained lots of valuable information.