diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Willnaz

  1. W

    Array Grounding and Components Grounding

    I can tell you one thing, if you’re not grounding with manufacturers instructions on any product, YOU HAVE NO WARRANTY PERIOD.
  2. W

    SolarEver as a brand an panel life expectancy

    Really weird, possibly a bad batch of sealant that never cured, as you I would want to know what it is too.
  3. W

    California proposes “blatant seizure of property” in solar ruling

    Exactly what the communist say, aka demonRATS
  4. W

    SolarEver as a brand an panel life expectancy

    Dang, I’m about to put 36 of the 455 on my roof, I hope it was just a fluke and they will honor their warranty, please keep us updated.
  5. W

    My first solar setup, would like some input please

    Thank you for the info, really appreciate it.
  6. W

    My first solar setup, would like some input please

    Thanks for the reply, please keep us informed if possible.
  7. W

    My first solar setup, would like some input please

    Hello everyone, brand new to this site I’ve been looking at solar for about 4 years now I’m days away from ordering my equipment. 1 ea. Sol-Ark 15. 36 ea. 455 watt panels from SS. 2 ea. 14.3 batteries from SS new product just came out. At first I was thinking about the 18K from SS...