diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Wiz33

  1. W

    Array Volts vs Watts

    Thanks or the help.
  2. W

    Array Volts vs Watts

    This is the panel I am looking at, it shows Voltage (VOC) 49.5 :
  3. W

    Array Volts vs Watts

    I have a storage system that can take 4000W 15A 450V DC limit. my current plan is to use 540W panels in a 4S2P setup with each array producing 2160W @ 198V and 4320W total. Reason I went with the 2P setup is that if a panel fail in the future, I can still get power from the other half. I can...
  4. W

    Rough Solar panel installation cost in San Jose and any rebate still available?

    Yelp and google have quite a few that's been around for a while and bot tons of reviews but most want to install full system rather than just a power drop.
  5. W

    few questions about solar power....

    Thanks, I know there's a lot of variables but the curve helps. I went over spec as I want longer hours where I can generate 4Kw on an ideal day. overage is fine since the MPPT in the Ultra will limit the intake to 4Kw. I average 24Kw a day so I figure I need to generate at least that much most...
  6. W

    few questions about solar power....

    Thanks. I'm looking at going totally off grid on sunny days so I need to generate enough power during the day to offset daytime use and recharge my batteries to full from the night before. So can a 6Kw array produce at least 4kw between 8;00 Am to 4:00PM
  7. W

    few questions about solar power....

    How much buffer do you need on a fixed array to extend the the peak solar hours? according to web resource, San Jose gets 5.3 hours of peak solar a day on average. I would assume that by increasing the wattage generated by the array above what you want, you can maintain your desire output (say...
  8. W

    Anker F3800/Ecoflow Delta Ultra home solution

    Got lucky, found an Ecoflow Ultra user closeby and he give me the contact info for the electrician that Ecoflow sent for his install and it seem their company also do solar so I may get an one stop solution for rooftop solar and Ultra install. will report back once he got back to me.
  9. W

    Anker F3800/Ecoflow Delta Ultra home solution

    Thanks. I think I'm going the ground based array route since I have a deep backyard with minimal shading. It seems that it would only require planning permit. We'll see how that goes.
  10. W

    Anker F3800/Ecoflow Delta Ultra home solution

    OK, I don't know how accurate this is but someone just posted on the Ecoflow group that the Anker and Ecoflow PDU are considered mobile/portable units and not a permanent installation and are not subject to the current ESS rules. would be great if true. I'll have no problem putting in...
  11. W

    Anker F3800/Ecoflow Delta Ultra home solution

    The only ESS concern I have is the location, It's seems that California is not that friendly for installing the unit inside a dwelling so the only logical location is the garage or outside. My garage will require some bollards or curb stops and smoke, temp alarms. I can probably put it outside...
  12. W

    Rough Solar panel installation cost in San Jose and any rebate still available?

    Since I have have a fairly large backyard that have minimal shading in the area furthest from the house with good sun angle. I think the simplest way is to get a planning permit and install a ground level 7S2P setup using 440W panels which also have the advantage of easy cleaning, repair and I...
  13. W

    Do you need a permit to build a DIY standalone 4000w solar rack in the backyard San Jose CA?

    It seems that most installer will want to install a complete power package. I have a fairly large backyard with a large area with minimal shading from trees and such. Can I just build a 10-12 panel structure 6-10 feet off the ground which also makes seasonal cleaning and repairs a lot easier...
  14. W

    Permit requirement and installer that will do DC rooftop solar San Jose CA

    I'm looking to install a DC 6-8Kw solar panel system without micro-inverter that can get me a 400-450VDC drop into the garage for battery backup using a Ecoflow Ultra. I heard that a lot of the solar installer won't work on anything less than a complete system. If that is the case. Is there any...