diy solar

diy solar

Looking for ground Mount opinions + solar pathfinder?


Solar Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2020
Hello. Looking at 3 solutions for a groundmount. I need portability (somewhat) as I’d like to experiment with array location plus we have a unique cabin arrangement that will likely fail at some point and I’d like to be able “pack up and go”.

Cost is not an issue. Our cabin is “no grid”, and requires dragging stuff 150 down hill, onto a boat, and then 150 uphill. Easier (lighter) is preferable.

So discussing the solar pathfinder, anyone have one? Useful? It’s only good for south facing, and not East/west.

My choices are:

1. Eq4 Brightmount. I actually have one. I’d need to buy 300lb footing pads (4) to anchor to. It’s adjustable, and somewhat portable. I can’t adjust East/west.

2. Plastic groundmount ballast things (current connected sells them). Super lightweight, easy to transport, and adjustable East/west. No,adjustment for tilt (unless wood underneath).

3. This :

Kinda pricey for what it is, but easy to transport, easy to pack up and go. Easy to tilt, and move,East/west. Wind may be a concern??

To clarify I will be experimenting with the array location, as well as East/west set ups.

I hope I got everything clear. Any questions just ask
I like option 1 using treated timbers secured by screw in ground anchors available on Amazon.

I have used to secure portable buildings and they hold good.
I'd go with Option 1 or Option 2. Really depends on your goals for production and space to do the mounting.

I,really like the ground ballast mounts at current,connected but 300 bucks for freight. Ouch.
I like option 1 using treated timbers secured by screw in ground anchors available on Amazon.

I have used to secure portable buildings and they hold good.

I’d likely screw in 2 “piles”, then attach a 6 x 6 and then Mount brightmount,to it
Why not use a pole mount? Tamarack makes some very affordable ones, and i wouldnt worry about leaving a piece of pipe behind if moving. Fully adjustable and assemble on site.

You didn't say how many panels you are using.
Why not use a pole mount? Tamarack makes some very affordable ones, and i wouldnt worry about leaving a piece of pipe behind if moving. Fully adjustable and assemble on site.

You didn't say how many panels you are using.

4-5 panels. Pole mount is put because I need something somewhat easy to take apart. (Shared cabin issues)
4-5 panels. Pole mount is put because I need something somewhat easy to take apart. (Shared cabin issues)
They do come apart easy, but I guess that's a relative term. How often is this being taken down and put up? All of the above options are semi permanent.

Are you looking for the fold open style solar suitcase? Those can be up to 300W each and set up in 2 minutes. Trouble is they will blow over in high wind, have to stake them down.
They do come apart easy, but I guess that's a relative term. How often is this being taken down and put up? All of the above options are semi permanent.

Are you looking for the fold open style solar suitcase? Those can be up to 300W each and set up in 2 minutes. Trouble is they will blow over in high wind, have to stake them down.

I want something permanent (no fold ups) but yet easy to take down and moved if needed. My hope is to instal everything,once but it may have to be moved (or sold) if things don’t work out.

We have a non contributing cabin guest that is being forced upon us. Getting tired of paying for everything while he buys beer, pot, smokes, drones, and gunzzz.
I want something permanent (no fold ups) but yet easy to take down and moved if needed. My hope is to instal everything,once but it may have to be moved (or sold) if things don’t work out.

We have a non contributing cabin guest that is being forced upon us. Getting tired of paying for everything while he buys beer, pot, smokes, drones, and gunzzz.
Ahhh well i cant help with that but,,,,
Pole mounts are as easy as they come. A single pipe in the ground, cheaper than treated lumber, lasts longer. Can be assembled in an hour with a crescent wrench. Pipe is cheap. On bigger ones i have even used oilfield pipe as the base, galvanized was hard to come by during covid.

Eg4 brightmounts are great, but attaching it to a base is where you get more complex with lumber vs a single pipe.

Tamarack has universal ones online. I like DPW mounts but they are build to order for your exact panels, they were 4 week lead time in November
Ahhh well i cant help with that but,,,,
Pole mounts are as easy as they come. A single pipe in the ground, cheaper than treated lumber, lasts longer. Can be assembled in an hour with a crescent wrench. Pipe is cheap. On bigger ones i have even used oilfield pipe as the base, galvanized was hard to come by during covid.

Eg4 brightmounts are great, but attaching it to a base is where you get more complex with lumber vs a single pipe.

Tamarack has universal ones online. I like DPW mounts but they are build to order for your exact panels, they were 4 week lead time in November

Are we talking pipe right into the ground, or digging a hole, pouring concrete?

How do you get the pipe into the ground?

It has to be easy. We are remote, and boat access. No grid. Getting supplies to the site is an ordeal, and any heavy equipment is not possible

I’d also be concerned with a pipe in the ground being a bad thing for array grounding
Yes, you will have to dig a hole, it can be done by hand. Yes a couple bags of redimix is needed, but again, cheap. Mix it right in the hole with a bucket of water.

Two 2 panel mounts might be easier than one 4 panel mount as the materials are smaller and lighter

Whats the concern for the array grounding?
Are we talking pipe right into the ground, or digging a hole, pouring concrete?

How do you get the pipe into the ground?

It has to be easy. We are remote, and boat access. No grid. Getting supplies to the site is an ordeal, and any heavy equipment is not possible

I’d also be concerned with a pipe in the ground being a bad thing for array grounding
Yes, you will have to dig a hole, it can be done by hand. Yes a couple bags of redimix is needed, but again, cheap. Mix it right in the hole with a bucket of water.

Two 2 panel mounts might be easier than one 4 panel mount as the materials are smaller and lighter

Whats the concern for the array grounding?

My concern is a pole mount is essentially a ground rod at the array- something to be avoided if possible.

Not ruling it out. How deep a hole?

Can you point me toward any resources for this method?

I think my option 3 is an easier solution than this
I was redy to buy one of these until I saw the required hole sizes. 20-24" diameter and a depth of over 6 feet for 6 modules? Oof!
I was redy to buy one of these until I saw the required hole sizes. 20-24" diameter and a depth of over 6 feet for 6 modules? Oof!
Going bigger than a 4 panel mount generally requires some extra depth, concrete, and pipe size.
For the OP wanting to keep it easy id recommend two 2 panel mounts.
I don’t want any hole digging, or concrete work.
Really liking the plastic ballast mounts.

Also considering building a wood shed and mounting panels as a roof.
If you have little to no snow and there isn't an issue with them being that close to the ground where you put them then the ballast mounts seems like good option.