diy solar

diy solar

PowerView Monthly Data Not Matching Daily Data


New Member
Apr 7, 2023
Pennsylvania, USA
Not sure what is causing it but I've found 2 days that are wildly off between the monthly view and the daily view. This incorrect monthly data is also rolling into the yearly data.

Going to my actual solark device and looking at the PV history does not show this mismatch so it seems only related to powerview. Anyone have this issue before?


My Solark has terrible gaps in its data when I go to their site. SolarAssistant keeps better logs
My Solark has terrible gaps in its data when I go to their site. SolarAssistant keeps better logs
This is the opposite of a gap. The daily view is accurate. I have never on any day of the year ever approached 80kWh let alone in February so I have no idea why the monthly view is showing so high.
This shows a 1 hour gap in the production logging

But the daily is correct

I'm not sure I follow. My daily view doesn't even have a peak over 1000 watts. How could the monthly view show that day as over 80 kWh? Even if there is a missing hour somewhere my 9.6 kw of panels isn't going to produce that much power.
That's for the whole day, not any specific time. The daily view shows you 5-10 minute snapshots
As of the most recent update on the powerview site, my data for Feb 22, 2024 has been revised and is now only showing 29.1 kWh.

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the latest solark update jacked up my whole connectivity. Glad I have Solar Assistant in place to see actuals as the Solark communicator is only online about 3 hours a day lately.