diy solar

diy solar

Cerbo GX analogue output to wi-fi


New Member
Nov 9, 2022
Holbeach Lincolnshire - UK
This may sound like a silly question but what if I want to switch (on/off) a remotely installed water heater via wifi instead of wiring the Cerbo GX analogue output normally used for relays?
Is there a built-in function or do I have to convert the analog signal to digital?🤔
I'm sure I'm not the first one to have to control an electrical appliance away from the GX without a physical wired connection.
Any comments?
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The Cerbo GX supports MQTT which could be used in conjunction with for example Home Assistant to toggle a device over WiFi. Otherwise you would have to find some sort of gadget that could read the analog output and then send some sort of status over WiFi like a Shelly device, or possibly an ESP32 unit.

Depending on the scope of your automation plans, home assistant with the MQTT integration would give you ultime flexibility for an unlimited amount of things you could dream up to automate.