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The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

It does matter what demographic you will find what you want to believe on the Internet.
I lived there long time ago while serving in USA Military. Some ppl believe Disney is the Magic Kingdom…. State of Florida has different views.

Hmmm antisemitism is interesting word. If you disagree with Israel or jews than you are antisemite. If you disagree with blacks or other minorities you are racist. Anybody not like DEI? Hush
I lived there long time ago while serving in USA Military. Some ppl believe Disney is the Magic Kingdom…. State of Florida has different views.

Hmmm antisemitism is interesting word. If you disagree with Israel or jews than you are antisemite. If you disagree with blacks or other minorities you are racist. Anybody not like DEI? Hush

You are disagreeing with Israeli Government (And most of us here including me do as well).
But why blame the proles?
Do you blame all Americans because you disagree with Biden? Thats stupid!!!
I dont even care that he is antisemitic. He is free to express his opinion.
I just find it ridiculous how its always "the jews" (or any other group based on nationality or religion).
Blame specific people. Blame organizations (Such as WEF/Oligarchy/Etc).
But nationality? Thats stupid. That's like blaming all Americans for the crimes of CEE AY EY. (Or Biden, or whoever).
There are plenty of jews who are steamrolled by the powers that be. Israel was one of the most injected countries with the genetic vaxx and their excess mortality is off the scale.
Many Russians are steamrolled by Putin's regime. Does that make all Russians bad?
This is laughable, but its also very divisive. The proles of all nations must unite against the parasites in power.
You are just wasting time. Act like a dog chasing your tail.

If Soros gave someone money to knock your teeth out would you be mad at him or Soros or both. Who would you make the police report out ….would you seek the dentist before calling the police. Ever eat with a straw?

Soros white Antifa knocks black - Trump supporters teeth out.
Hmmmmm.. antisemitism say it was Soros. 🤡

is Soros ALL the jews?
Stop being stupid!

Is Biden All americans?
Who were the 3 ppl - Antifa shot by Rittenhouse… Soros funded them as well as ….others

Kinda sorta why Govt left Antifa alone
is Soros ALL the jews?
Stop being stupid!

Is Biden All americans?
You are now antisemite because Soros is a jew. You should embrace and promote him.

Snicker history recorded.
They have successfully ended the Boy Scouts of America ...... The wokesters got rid of BOYS .... It's now Scouting America.

Here's one of the HUGE things that was covered up by the protests ..... NATO was VERY near sending troops into Ukraine.
Below is a little update on what's going on in Ukraine.

☕️ SITTING DUCKS ☙ Wednesday, May 8, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
🚀🚀 This week we narrowly survived a near-nuclear showdown. On Monday, the Russians urgently started unscheduled nuclear drills after several NATO officials plus one moronic democrat House Minority Leader (Hakeem Jeffries) escalated tensions by stupidly threatening to send Western troops into Ukraine. Fortunately, NATO backed down, and by way of apology, everyone including Biden expressly recognized Putin as Russia’s legitimate leader.
Putin was inaugurated for his sixth term as President yesterday. His inauguration, plus the widespread recognition of his legitimacy, frames a pending crisis as the official end of Zelensky’s term looms on May 21st — yet no new president has been elected in Ukraine.
But the current state of the Proxy War can perhaps be best illustrated through two contrasting articles. The first ran under this Associated Press headline, now two weeks old: “Ukraine pulls US-provided Abrams tanks from the front lines over Russian drone threats.” Whoopsies.
Named for heroic World War II General Creighton Abrams, the M1 Abrams is the United States’ premier battle tank. Each high-tech tank comes with a hefty $10 million price tag, weighs in at a whopping eighty tons, and needs between four and eight hours of regular maintenance downtime after every single hour of runtime. Last year, we gifted the Ukrainians with over thirty fabulously expensive Abrams tanks.
At the time, Ukrainian warbloggers celebrated receiving the massive metal fighting machines as a sign the war’s tide would soon change.
But unexpectedly, as the AP’s headline made clear, the $10 million dollar Abrams tank has been beaten by $200 Russian drones. Not only that, but Russia has so far managed to capture at least six of the thirty-one American super-tanks. The problem seems to be that the eighty-ton beasts easily get mired in Ukraine’s thick rasputitsa — “mud” in the English — stranding hapless tank crews and making them into sitting kachky (i.e., ducks).
Meanwhile, creative Russian tank crews — allowed authority to jury rig their own experimental solutions to battlefield problems — ingeniously developed a cheap, ugly, but simple workaround to Ukraine’s drones: the turtle shield. In fact, the day before the AP published its swan song for the Abrams, Forbes ran a counterpointing story headlined, “The Russian Turtle Tank Is The Weirdest Armored Vehicle Of The Ukraine War. The Craziest Thing Is, It Might Actually Work.
The official narrative would have us believe that Ukraine’s real problem is lack of money to buy ammunition. But setting aside the crisis that Ukraine is getting down to the last Ukrainian, these two tank stories provide a stark metaphorical contrast between the two sides in the Proxy War. The scrappy Russian soldiers are demonstrating good old-fashioned American ingenuity and adaptability. But the Ukrainian/NATO War-by-Committee is mired in the slough of despond, bogged down in the sticky rasputitsa by unwieldy, morbidly obese, maintenance-heavy, finicky, non-interoperable, too-clever-by-half donated gear that isn’t practical.
The two articles highlighted the two modern philosophical problems that dog our political class the worst. The first one is the unshakeable belief in the long-discredited theory that more money can cure any conceivable problem: drug addiction, homelessness, and failing educational institutions all spring to mind. The second chronic philosophical failure is the equally mistaken belief that bigger, more ambitious, higher-tech solutions are always better than cheap, practical answers.
These two philosophical mistakes bog down the West — and its proxy warrior, Ukraine — in impractical, unaffordably-expensive thinking thicker than the Ukrainian rasputitsa. That’s the real problem.​
I dont even care that he is antisemitic. He is free to express his opinion.
I just find it ridiculous how its always "the jews" (or any other group based on nationality or religion).
Blame specific people. Blame organizations (Such as WEF/Oligarchy/Etc).
But nationality? Thats stupid. That's like blaming all Americans for the crimes of CEE AY EY. (Or Biden, or whoever).
There are plenty of jews who are steamrolled by the powers that be. Israel was one of the most injected countries with the genetic vaxx and their excess mortality is off the scale.
Many Russians are steamrolled by Putin's regime. Does that make all Russians bad?
This is laughable, but its also very divisive. The proles of all nations must unite against the parasites in power.
...... But it's OK to say ALL politicians are the same.
Bob, I would say that 99.9% OF CAREER politicians are the same. Look who they learn the ropes from... career politicians.
So .... Do you think Chuck Schumer and Jim Jordan are the same? How about Nancy Pelosi and Rand Paul?
...... But it's OK to say ALL politicians are the same.
The majority get corrupted or are ignored by the ones in charge. Either way it has a similar affect. Let's face the reality it is the appointed bureaucrats that are the real issue.
The majority get corrupted or are ignored by the ones in charge. Either way it has a similar affect. Let's face the reality it is the appointed bureaucrats that are the real issue.
I totally agree about the appointments ...... but, if we give up on fixing the political debacle, what is the alternative?

I don't think it's 100% lost .... yet .... but it will be if we all give up on it.
...... But it's OK to say ALL politicians are the same.

Yes because politicians is a group by choice.
You simply can not become a politician if you have morals and you are not a sellout. You will not be allowed to be. That is reality.
But you live in a fantasy world where you can still vote yourself out of this.
Here is proof, a theater for the likes. Controlled opposition that is always outvoted by "majority". Just a little harder guys, maybe next time.

Blaming jews for bad apples like Soros and the like, is like blaming Americans for all the imperialism and havoc American govt has done to the world over the last 100 years. Stupid.
Yes because politicians is a group by choice.
You simply can not become a politician if you have morals and you are not a sellout. You will not be allowed to be. That is reality.
But you live in a fantasy world where you can still vote yourself out of this.
Here is proof, a theater for the likes. Controlled opposition that is always outvoted by "majority". Just a little harder guys, maybe next time.

Blaming jews for bad apples like Soros and the like, is like blaming Americans for all the imperialism and havoc American govt has done to the world over the last 100 years. Stupid.
It's a shame you are unable to see your own hypocrisy.
A couple of those are the .1% exception. .. especially Mr Paul. He doesnt just vote along party lines. He votes by the constitution. My opinion.

Controlled opposition and Irrelevant "Make the proles feel good" opposition.
Theater, as neither controlled nor 1 person of "real" opposition can swing anything in their direction (controlled opposition plays "good" guys knowing all too well that "bad" guys will overrrule (We tried guys, we really did, lol). While people like Rand are allowed in the "single digits" to make the system seem legit (so they are also participating in the theater).
The point stands - politicians (all politicians as a group) fully obey the hand that "<s>elects" them which is global oligarchy and megacorporations they control.

If in 2024, after seeing how corrupt the whole political process is, you still hope you can vote yourself out of this, you are basically equivalent to a sole mask wearer in his car with windows rolled up. In 2024.
For those that say they are Christian.

When the ADL get their Antisemitism Laws passed and agenda to control in place they will have in effect replaced the Bible and made it against the law.

1 Thessalonians 2
13For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. 14For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: 15Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 16Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

When Christianity was forced out of schools in America it was done with approval from the jewish community. The person that pushed it was jewish. Just like the ADL pushing the Antisemitism laws. They quickly replaced the Christian religion in schools with the Holocaust training …doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get that.

The Book Schindlers List is was listed as fiction That means not true. It was changed to just say NOVEL which means not true. A movie was made from this fiction and American children were forced to-watch it and in effect make them submit to jews if for nothing else pity. So much pity that ppl would allow all transgressions to include trans ppl allowed into public with children.

You are giving them control of your country and in process making the Bible illegal. . You are also allowing worse the DEI and all practices like it.

Most ppl are stupid and can’t think for themselves.

Netanyahu is not a good person but you will not learn that until to late. Evil exist even outside religion.

At some point you must figure out that the politicians you are complaining about are controlled as a uniparty and you must see who they adorn and prescribe for unity. If not stfu up about politicians and bitching. Seriously look at their unity then you will see to whom they serve.

Right now that is Ukraine and Israel. They don’t serve you because the border is wide open just as Biden-Mayorkas -HIAS were ordered to allow HAMAS in …. Send more money and stfu…... don’t complain about things like DEI.

Don’t worry Trump is right there with you as a Zionist. He is one of them too.