diy solar

diy solar

What was your most interesting recent non solar project?

Sauna??!!?? Yeah, when you're sweating gallons in the heat, the best idea is to build a box where you can sweat bullets in the heat??

Yeah man, the idea is to get your skin pores open and really clean and help you recover from physical activity. I hear it has a lot of benefits for your body. I am over forty and i am starting to pay more attention to all this stuff.
I live in humid south louisiana. If my pores get more open you'll be able to see right through me.
Yeah up in the Nordic countries you need to build a box for the experience you get for free walking out the door.
I do some castings from time to time. The connectors you see in the legs of the modular table in that photo are aluminum castings of my own design. I have some kanthal SiC heating elements i got from ebay.that can get to 1600 ºC. If you can do cast iron casting you open up a world of possible projects, is also a way to dump a tremendous amount of solar energy production into something usefuld during the summer.
Ut Oh !!...I can feel a brand new distraction coming on.... gotta go and Meditate (don't spend any money, don't spend any money, don't spend any money...)
How do you cast a complex shape unless first you build a that can take the temperature of this liquid metal?
For example, these are 3 aluminum plates i casted to test the Whitworth method to create flat surfaces. Look at the interferences fringes in the last pic, how straight they are, i got that cast to be less than 2 micron across flatness.
For example, these are 3 aluminum plates i casted to test the Whitworth method to create flat surfaces. Look at the interferences fringes in the last pic, how straight they are, i got that cast to be less than 2 micron across flatness.
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I saw this from a documentary of the Parthenon in Greece. That is how they got the different sections of the columns flat enough to mate with nothing but wooden plugs to center them.
Crap! I really should stop watching this thread.
You all have already fueled my addictions enough with the solar batteries and enough blue going into my RV to make @sunshine_eggo feel like a proud papa smurf.

Now my wife caught me surfing the web looking at 3D printers, which I tried to change tabs only to have it go to metal casting. Oops! 😬
Now, instead of getting to go to sleep tonight, I know we are going to have "the talk" a about "projects" and why no cars (meaning her car) can fit in the garage.

I don't think she likes this forum. We already had to deal with a week of my kids trying to figure out how they can get their hands on a prehistoric bison skeleton!
Crap. Stop doing so many cool things!
Now my wife caught me surfing the web looking at 3D printers, which I tried to change tabs only to have it go to metal casting. Oops! 😬
Now, instead of getting to go to sleep tonight, I know we are going to have "the talk" a about "projects" and why no cars (meaning her car) can fit in the garage.
I swear hon, it was just pr0n!

I saw this from a documentary of the Parthenon in Greece. That is how they got the different sections of the columns flat enough to mate with nothing but wooden plugs to center them.
I didnt knew that. I know that the 3 plate method is very old and Whitworth popularized it. Today is commonly referred with his name.
I went through a phase of obsession with lapping plates a couple of years ago. Now i am almost cured.
The museum borrowed an ice age mammoth tusk for our latest display. In exchange for the loan we had to do a little restoration. My job was to glue all the pieces back together. My next job will be to get it out of the sand box without breaking it again.