diy solar

diy solar

Recommended source for replacement power brick for BLUETTI EB150 1500Wh


New Member
Dec 4, 2019
Yes, I screwed up! Misplaced the power brick. I have sent an email to MaxOak but suspect it would be spendy. Anyone have an alternate source?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you!
Did you get it? How did it work for you? Does the Bluetti get hot while charging at 500W?

Also, would something like this work? I'm asking because I already own it. But I doubt that it can work because this charger is designed to "sense" the voltage of a 10S lithium ion battery pack and adjust the current accordingly. I believe the Bluetti uses the build-in solar charger to adjust accordingly and the PSU just provides steady DC power. Also, this charger doesn't really activate until you plug it into the battery. I'm guessing the Bluetti charge port doesn't give out a voltage. (Also, yes, I'm pretty new at this stuff so forgive my ignorance)
I have tried two of these power supplies for the bluetti looking to maximize charge rate. First one was A variable unit 0-48v /10amp, when loaded the voltage fell to 30v and max input to the bluetti was 250w. Second one I tried was a fixed unit and it spiked up to almost 140v when plugged into the bluetti and tripped off. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong or am I just unlucky with the equipment? Saw the hobo tech guy do this on his video review and seemed to be working fine.
... A variable unit 0-48v /10amp, when loaded the voltage fell to 30v and max input to the bluetti was 250w. Second one I tried was a fixed unit and it spiked up to almost 140v when plugged into the bluetti and tripped off.
Your links don't seem to work. I don't own the Bluetti yet but I've been researching. Seems like you have bad units. According to reviews, quality is all over the place. This is the one I would most likely get. It has better reviews. I also discussed it in this threat.
Sorry. I did try the Mysweety PSU that you recommend, that was my first one, worked but only was putting in 250w and dropped to 30v when loaded. The second one was a MeanWell se-450 48v/9.4amps.
Gave up on the cheap power supplys. Both were faulty equipment. Bench power supply worked great. Charges in 3 hours. 6BAB0CE1-178C-42EB-8BD4-839B53EBE2FD.jpeg
We did the same thing. Accidentally threw the box away with ac adapter and 7909 to mc4 cord.
Can anyone recommend where to get replacement parts in case Bluetti comes back with crazy expensive pricing or no answer at all.
I've never hooked up a bench supply Tom1982. What is the polarity of the plug in? I know if I hook it up backwards it could fry the unit.
The ac adapter is 42vdc/160w.
Thanks in advance.