diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPF5000


New Member
Apr 7, 2023
Hi Folks

I have a 5kw of solar panels and a Growatt SPF5000 inverter which feeds a Growatt GBLI6532 battery.

I have set it up as per instruction manual and looked at every video possible.

The problem I'm having is when I'm on the SBU setting it doesn't stop charging and gets to 99% (after setting it to 95%) and switches off every thing, I'm pulling my hair out and keep checking all settings all the time. If it doesn't get to 99% and the solar stops as its getting later in the day it switch's to battery and runs the house ok. And when the battery runs low it switches to utility until the solar comes back in the morning. Then when we have enough power the utility switches off and start's charging as normal again.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on.

Many thanks Roddy
Hi Folks

I have a 5kw of solar panels and a Growatt SPF5000 inverter which feeds a Growatt GBLI6532 battery.

I have set it up as per instruction manual and looked at every video possible.

The problem I'm having is when I'm on the SBU setting it doesn't stop charging and gets to 99% (after setting it to 95%) and switches off every thing, I'm pulling my hair out and keep checking all settings all the time. If it doesn't get to 99% and the solar stops as its getting later in the day it switch's to battery and runs the house ok. And when the battery runs low it switches to utility until the solar comes back in the morning. Then when we have enough power the utility switches off and start's charging as normal again.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on.

Many thanks Roddy

Are you trying to say that once your battery reaches 99% your inverter shuts down?

Growatt has no setting to limit the max battery percentage that I know of and any extra solar will always be sent to the battery until it hits 100%. For grid charging "Back to battery" is also ignored so you will charge to 100%.

Is your inverter connected to your batteries BMS and what are your inverter settings?
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there is no setting to prevent charging from the PV except you use battery communication and the BMS tells the inverter to stop. don´t pull your hair everytime, you will look bald afterwards with a wound on your head
good day folks
I have 2 x off grid Growatt SPF5000TLHVM inverters.
The installer set the battery level when switching to the grid at 75%, I asked him to change it to 40% or 50% but not interested. Can someone please explain to me how to go about changing the level