diy solar

diy solar

Have you had a Sol-Ark Failure?

If true (or you did you mean unable to be inspect to feed to grid) that tells me they are only a moneymaking organization with the goal of slowing/preventing people from having energy independence. In any case my place is 100% off grid since 1993, 1/2mi from the grid and never had any of the rubber stamp brigade out to “bless” anything
It’s not UL listed therefore cannot pass inspection in NC.

Your choice. Good luck with insurance company.
It’s not UL listed therefore cannot pass inspection in NC.

Your choice. Good luck with insurance company.
Haven’t had homeowners insurance since we built the place in the 1990s. You do know what they say about assumptions right? ? Appreciate the concern and heads up however, your points are definitely a concern for many and good to point out.
The new 48V Victron Multiplus II is being UL tested but is not yet available.
The 48v/3000va Multi-2 has a UL version that is out and available tested to UL 1741 std. Still doesn't pass in areas requiring UL9540 though, because it has not been tested as an ESS w/ battery.
Haven’t had homeowners insurance since we built the place in the 1990s. You do know what they say about assumptions right? ? Appreciate the concern and heads up however, your points are definitely a concern for many and good to point out.
I will never understand why people don’t carry homeowners.
All it takes is one accident and house is gone.

It’s not like 30 -40 years ago when building supplies were plentiful and cheap.

Are you are planning on rebuilding it yourself with cash?

A contractor will based rebuild on current market which isn’t cheap.

It’s your risk obviously but I wouldn’t leave my retirement home up to chance.
Two 12K’s totally off grid 17mo, 17MWH end of year one. Very happy with them.

Dongle-1ea DOA. SolArk replaced. Only connected for update.

F18 fault intermittently when starting DeWalt circular saw. Fix- I run power through a 2000W hospital ups from 12K’s then to saw.

F18 fault intermittently when starting upright vacuum. Very infrequently, so no fix.

F18/F20/F41 after lightning struck 300’ north last week. Started back up 2 minutes later. Zero of 12 SPD’s failed.
These types of issues seem to be fixed in the 15k. I wonder what exactly fixed it.
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I will never understand why people don’t carry homeowners.
All it takes is one accident and house is gone.
It's what people did for hundreds and thousands of years before modern slavery (debt culture) became a thing.
It’s not like 30 -40 years ago when building supplies were plentiful and cheap.
We have a sawmill so much of the cost is eliminated.
Are you are planning on rebuilding it yourself with cash?
A contractor will based rebuild on current market which isn’t cheap.
Generously speaking there is maybe 1 in 1000 contractors out there I would trust. Why pay more for shoddy workmanship when you can do it right yourself.
It’s your risk obviously but I wouldn’t leave my retirement home up to chance.
Indeed for now at least we all have a choice.
It's what people did for hundreds and thousands of years before modern slavery (debt culture) became a thing.
When houses didn’t cost what they did now and replacement cost weren’t 100x the original building cost.

If you want To rebuild a home well into your retirement from scratch that’s on you.

Because you have some wood is not the major % of the home unless you live in a cabin with zero amenities.

Not to mention all the solar, wiring, piping and other miscellaneous requirements required for a home.

All to not spend $100 a month or less for insurance.
One of my engineers keeps telling me they are high frequency and prone to failure under inductive loads, but the statistics don't agree with him. I've personally blown a 12kw Sigineer LF inverter up 3 times - but never a Sol-Ark.
I'm curious about what failed in these 12kw units. I have the Growatt 12k which is identical to the Sigineer 12k, and I have seen a few video on Youtube regarding Mosfet failures. Could you elaborate on what you found?
I'm curious about what failed in these 12kw units. I have the Growatt 12k which is identical to the Sigineer 12k, and I have seen a few video on Youtube regarding Mosfet failures. Could you elaborate on what you found?
Hello, so because we are a DC transformerless (high frequency) inverter we are not able to provide surge power for 120V loads. Only 240V loads. This normally only becomes a problem on inductive loads like power tools, 120V water pumps, or AC units due to their extremely high start up (Locked rotor Amp) currents that can demand too much power on one leg. Typically this just leads to the inverter faulting out with an F18 (AC overcurrent) or an F26 ( Un-balanced Bus). It should not damage the inverter unless there is long-term very extreme use.
These types of issues seem to be fixed in the 15k. I wonder what exactly fixed it.
In general, the 15K has much beefier components and is rated for a much higher output than the 12K. This has essentially gotten rid of the issue for the 15K unit provided you have the DC power to support the inverters. I don't think anyone on our team has seen an F26 on a 15K to date. Keep in mind even though the general problems with power tools has dropped, the 15K is still DC transformerless. That means we still do not provide any surge capabilities for 120V loads, but it tends to have much less impact with the larger unit as it is more unlikely a single appliance LRA will overcome the base of the unit rated power.

If this is something that seriously concerns you we have recommended people using auto transformers on the output of the inverters in the past. Most people just put them on a circuit they know has high demand 120V loads - the autotransformer will pull 240V from the inverter and output 120V to your appliances. I deal power draw from the inverter is 240V so it will eliminate any issues.
Hey Carlos, it seems like Solark should offer a deal on a 15K for your loyal supporters who bought 12ks the past couple years.
I would consider it. I would keep the 12k since I probably couldn't get much for it.
Even if they purchased the 12k's from us and refurbed them. It's a win- win for us, them, and possible future customers that want a slightly lower barrier to entry
I inquired about this due to the fact I bought my 12k about a year before the 15k came out. There was no dice in that. Maybe if enough people start asking?
There is a cost to living on the cutting edge. And I have been paying it my whole life.
But I think it would be to Solark's benefit to offer a discount to current owners who want to upgrade.
Especially since they have been selling the "Buy American" idea.
There is a cost to living on the cutting edge. And I have been paying it my whole life.
But I think it would be to Solark's benefit to offer a discount to current owners who want to upgrade.
Especially since they have been selling the "Buy American" idea.
Interesting thought and would have benefited me for sure.
I’ve had no problems with my 3 year old 12k and good support from Sol-Ark. I’m off grid and my system has produced 4.6 MWh. I can’t start an air compressor with a 240V 93 LRA even with a soft start module. So I’m thinking of selling the 12k and buying a 15k. Or the other option is to just buy another 12k and parallel them. This would give me some redundancy. I haven’t looked at the output difference between these two - but anyone have any opinions on this? Or can I parallel a 12k and a 15k?
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