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The Great Reset

We live in perplexing times. It’s almost inconceivable to think that there’s a war being waged against food, an absolute and undeniable necessity of life. Yet, here we stand, on the precipice of what looks like a catastrophic agenda against global sustenance.
So, what’s this newfound hostility against the thing that keeps us alive?

Take a deep breath. Farming uses nitrogen, and suddenly, nitrogen is the new antagonist in the tale of global warming. The narrative is simple: eliminate nitrogen, save the world. Yet, in the name of “preservation,” entire segments of our food production are under siege.

Consider rice – a staple for half the world’s population. Renowned agencies claim, “Rice accounts for roughly 10% of global methane emissions,” emphasizing the urgent need to curtail its production. But the ramifications? Starvation for billions.

Look to the Netherlands for further evidence. Dutch farmers, the backbone of a nation that is a leading exporter of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands. A staggering number, 3,000 farms, are forecasted to be confiscated in the coming years. The tragic fallout is evident, with a reported 20 to 30 farmers tragically ending their lives annually.

Our friends in Europe are no strangers to these baffling decisions either. The European Commission greenlit a strategy to compensate livestock farmers for halting their operations in certain areas – with a stipulation that they never resume their animal breeding activities. The implications are clear: a drop in global food availability and an inevitable spike in prices.

Remember Sri Lanka’s ill-fated venture into 100% organic farming? The island nation faced a humanitarian nightmare with a staggering 90% of its population on the brink of starvation.

And the Western leaders’ stance on agriculture? Eric Utter encapsulates it perfectly in American Thinker, “The attack on farming by Western leaders is shockingly negligent. It’s criminal.” Especially when such views ignore the glaring fact that while agriculture may account for 33% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, it simultaneously sustains every single human being on this planet.

Organizations like the World Economic Forum tout visions of a “farm-free future,” dreaming of a world where food is crafted in sterile labs and humans are herded into congested urban centers. Toss digital currency into this dystopian mix, and you have the ultimate formula for absolute dominance.

In our modern era, the recipe is simple: concoct a crisis, even if none existed.

  • Incite racial tension among children.
  • Reverse the progress women achieved over decades.
  • Worsen shortages and tamper with the money supply.
  • Tackle borders haphazardly.
  • Condemn specific foods, close farms, or incite wars to create famine.
  • Muzzle voices of dissent by labeling truth as “misinformation.”
A tactic reminiscent of Cloward and Piven: create a crisis, then implement severe measures to address that very crisis.
We live in perplexing times.
Its only perplexing to you because you're ignorant and don't understand how things work.

The rest below is just your ignorance speaking.

It’s almost inconceivable to think that there’s a war being waged against food, an absolute and undeniable necessity of life. Yet, here we stand, on the precipice of what looks like a catastrophic agenda against global sustenance.
So, what’s this newfound hostility against the thing that keeps us alive?

Take a deep breath. Farming uses nitrogen, and suddenly, nitrogen is the new antagonist in the tale of global warming. The narrative is simple: eliminate nitrogen, save the world. Yet, in the name of “preservation,” entire segments of our food production are under siege.

Consider rice – a staple for half the world’s population. Renowned agencies claim, “Rice accounts for roughly 10% of global methane emissions,” emphasizing the urgent need to curtail its production. But the ramifications? Starvation for billions.

Look to the Netherlands for further evidence. Dutch farmers, the backbone of a nation that is a leading exporter of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands. A staggering number, 3,000 farms, are forecasted to be confiscated in the coming years. The tragic fallout is evident, with a reported 20 to 30 farmers tragically ending their lives annually.

Our friends in Europe are no strangers to these baffling decisions either. The European Commission greenlit a strategy to compensate livestock farmers for halting their operations in certain areas – with a stipulation that they never resume their animal breeding activities. The implications are clear: a drop in global food availability and an inevitable spike in prices.

Remember Sri Lanka’s ill-fated venture into 100% organic farming? The island nation faced a humanitarian nightmare with a staggering 90% of its population on the brink of starvation.

And the Western leaders’ stance on agriculture? Eric Utter encapsulates it perfectly in American Thinker, “The attack on farming by Western leaders is shockingly negligent. It’s criminal.” Especially when such views ignore the glaring fact that while agriculture may account for 33% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, it simultaneously sustains every single human being on this planet.

Organizations like the World Economic Forum tout visions of a “farm-free future,” dreaming of a world where food is crafted in sterile labs and humans are herded into congested urban centers. Toss digital currency into this dystopian mix, and you have the ultimate formula for absolute dominance.

In our modern era, the recipe is simple: concoct a crisis, even if none existed.

  • Incite racial tension among children.
  • Reverse the progress women achieved over decades.
  • Worsen shortages and tamper with the money supply.
  • Tackle borders haphazardly.
  • Condemn specific foods, close farms, or incite wars to create famine.
  • Muzzle voices of dissent by labeling truth as “misinformation.”
A tactic reminiscent of Cloward and Piven: create a crisis, then implement severe measures to address that very crisis.

Despite all of this “progress,” things just aren’t moving fast enough for these psychopaths.

Last week the WEF released a post saying that civic participation is key to meeting UN sustainability targetsto fulfill the goals of “Agenda 2030.”

The WEF wrote:

“Attacks on civil society and civic freedoms threaten to unravel achievements in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are weakening action to tackle economic inequality, gender imbalances, corruption and environmental degradation.”

So they have planned a special 2023 SDG Summit for September 18-19 in New York, where they will discuss the world’s shortcomings in meeting their 17 Sustainable Development Goals, calling the forum meeting “enormously significant,” as a select group of world leaders are expected to be in attendance.

According to the U.N. website:

“They will carry out a comprehensive review of the state of the SDGs, respond to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the world, and provide high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to the target year of 2030 for achieving the SDGs.”

The U.N. posting goes on to say that: “The special edition of the report of the Secretary-General entitled ‘Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet’, the Advance Unedited version has been released.”

The timing of this meeting may be significant. What other manufactured crises could be upon us by mid-September? World War III? Food shortages and famine? Civil unrest?

It really is amusing listening to the globalists drone on about the world’s problems and how their solutions will take into account everyone’s best interests. Gender imbalances? These are the same people encouraging young children to be confused about what their gender even is. Environmental degradation? These are the folks who want all vehicles, all appliances, all lawn and garden tools, everything to run off of power generated by the electric grid, which cannot even sustain the current level of power needs, let alone if we all traded our gas-powered cars, gas stoves, leaf blowers, tractors, mowers, chainsaws, etc., for electric ones. And where do they plan on putting those toxic solar panels and lithium batteries after they outlive their useful life? What about those wind turbines that are killing birds and sea life?

So don’t tell us about civic participation and sustainability and how you will give us a better world and all of the other lies. The globalists care about one thing: Domination. Control. They will do anything, tell any lie, to achieve it. And they wonder why there has been a breech of trust; why people around the world have had enough of the incessant lies, manufactured crises, arrogance and intolerance of dissenting views that come down from the globalists and their elitist institutions.
But it’s more than just the U.N. and WEF who are behind the Great Reset of humanity and the pressure to change the way we live, forcing us into what they would call a higher state of consciousness in which, aided by artificial intelligence, we come into “harmony and balance” with nature, as stated on the Georgia Guidestones monument. One of the biggest pushers of this dystopian vision is his royal highness King Charles, whose coronation will take place on May 6. Listen to him wax eloquent about his grandiose collectivist plan for humanity in the short video below.

When Charles talks about the Great Reset and the goals of the U.N. it sounds more like a religion than anything else. Earth worship.

He beckons us to follow his lead into this new religion. While he claims to be a Christian, he never mentions the Bible, God the Father, or Jesus Christ, the one who has the desire to save not the Earth but the souls of those who inhabit the Earth. The Luciferians believe they can create their own version of heaven on Earth without the God of the Bible, and this is the greatest deception they dangle in front of weak human beings.

King Charles has his own page on the WEF website in which he outlines the “10 actions we must take to drive the green recovery.” These 10 actions are truly frightening were they ever to be fully implemented as they would allow for basically no freedom in a top-down dictatorship that decides for us how all resources are to be allocated and used.

Take, for example, number 4 on his list, in which he calls for what sounds like the formation of the Sustainability Police given the power to enforce “sustainability compliance” with one-world standards set by the “Paris Agreement.” He writes as follows:

4. Rigorously work towards the provision of reliable data and actively advance the adoption of common metrics and standards, as for example in the IBC scorecard, in order to allow more informed assessments of sustainability compliance and opportunities for improvement, in particular with regard to alignment with the Paris Agreement. It is time now to move towards unified metrics and global standards, to encourage accelerated progress through uniformed benchmarking.

And what about those of us who refuse to comply with these “global standards”? It will no doubt be off to the gulag, or maybe even off with our heads!

But progress toward this supposedly new and better world that Charles talks about is not moving fast enough to meet his expectations and the expectations of the WEF, the United Nations, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, George Soros and the rest of the Luciferians who have managed to place their minions in the key positions of power throughout our institutions.

SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State​

The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats—both real and imagined—in order to advance regime hegemony.


SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State​

The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats—both real and imagined—in order to advance regime hegemony.

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The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun!

Stop the presses! Here's my hot take for the day: CBDCs are a bad thing.

OK, maybe that take is not so hot. After all, I don't even need to spell out "Central Bank Digital Currencies" for my well-informed, switched-on readers to know what I'm talking about when I refer to CBDCs. And the idea that a digital form of programmable money with a central banker's on/off switch is a bad thing? Come on! Even the normiest of the normies can sense that.

But here's the hot part of my hot take: CBDCs are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks.

At first glance, you might not think this is such a controversial statement, but really think about it for a minute.

If you listen to the stenographers and presstitutes of the establishment dinosaur media, you'll believe that CBDCs not only represent an exciting opportunity to bring our outdated paper money system into the digital age, but that they'll be bestowed on us by the benevolent central banker technocrats in the next year or two (if we're lucky!).

If you listen to the pundits in the alternative media, however, you'll believe that CBDCs not only represent the greatest threat to human freedom in our lifetime, but that they'll be forced upon us by the evil central bankster overlords in the next year or two (no matter what we do to fend them off).

Do you see the similarities in these two "competing" narratives? In both cases, you and your opinion about CBDCs are utterly irrelevant. It's a fait accompli. You can love 'em or hate 'em, embrace them or recoil from them, but whatever your position, you will be forced to use them.

But this just isn't true. In fact, we're already seeing a massive global pushback against the CBDC agenda. And this pushback is already causing the banksters to panic and to pull back on their grand plan for world domination.

Of course you're not hearing about this CBDC pushback in the establishment media. Why would they tout their masters' failures, after all?

But, weirdly enough, you're not hearing much about this pushback in the alt media either.

Let's correct that today, shall we?

The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun!

Stop the presses! Here's my hot take for the day: CBDCs are a bad thing.

OK, maybe that take is not so hot. After all, I don't even need to spell out "Central Bank Digital Currencies" for my well-informed, switched-on readers to know what I'm talking about when I refer to CBDCs. And the idea that a digital form of programmable money with a central banker's on/off switch is a bad thing? Come on! Even the normiest of the normies can sense that.

But here's the hot part of my hot take: CBDCs are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks.

At first glance, you might not think this is such a controversial statement, but really think about it for a minute.

If you listen to the stenographers and presstitutes of the establishment dinosaur media, you'll believe that CBDCs not only represent an exciting opportunity to bring our outdated paper money system into the digital age, but that they'll be bestowed on us by the benevolent central banker technocrats in the next year or two (if we're lucky!).

If you listen to the pundits in the alternative media, however, you'll believe that CBDCs not only represent the greatest threat to human freedom in our lifetime, but that they'll be forced upon us by the evil central bankster overlords in the next year or two (no matter what we do to fend them off).

Do you see the similarities in these two "competing" narratives? In both cases, you and your opinion about CBDCs are utterly irrelevant. It's a fait accompli. You can love 'em or hate 'em, embrace them or recoil from them, but whatever your position, you will be forced to use them.

But this just isn't true. In fact, we're already seeing a massive global pushback against the CBDC agenda. And this pushback is already causing the banksters to panic and to pull back on their grand plan for world domination.

Of course you're not hearing about this CBDC pushback in the establishment media. Why would they tout their masters' failures, after all?

But, weirdly enough, you're not hearing much about this pushback in the alt media either.

Let's correct that today, shall we?
James Corbett is an anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-voluntarist (former) YouTuber, conspiracy theorist. He performs amateur analysis of politics conspiracy theories and purported propaganda in The Corbett Report, YouTube (formerly), Global Research TV, RT news and other shows and websites such as the Boiling Frogs Post, NewsBud, 5G summit and other such occasional events, despite having no credentials in any of these fields, such as 9/11 and the JFK assassination being false flag attacks, government mind control, water fluoridation and chemtrails lowering IQ to make it harder to wake up sheeple, the “Clinton Body Count”, 5G sends toxic EMF, Bill Gates is a Nazi eugenicist, GMOs cause tumours, Climate change is a hoax, vaccines never worked and are also a hoax, moon landing is hoax, eugenics is still alive, America is secretly a socialist country, pizzagate is real,Trump wants to establish a New World Order, among many, many others.

Anytime anything interesting happens anywhere on the planet, there's a very high chance James has found "proof" it is either a false flag operation by the New World Order or a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order to implement the New World Order and has already discussed about it on one of his episodes on YouTube or a podcast on his channel. No exceptions. You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.
James Corbett is an anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-voluntarist (former) YouTuber, conspiracy theorist. He performs amateur analysis of politics conspiracy theories and purported propaganda in The Corbett Report, YouTube (formerly), Global Research TV, RT news and other shows and websites such as the Boiling Frogs Post, NewsBud, 5G summit and other such occasional events, despite having no credentials in any of these fields, such as 9/11 and the JFK assassination being false flag attacks, government mind control, water fluoridation and chemtrails lowering IQ to make it harder to wake up sheeple, the “Clinton Body Count”, 5G sends toxic EMF, Bill Gates is a Nazi eugenicist, GMOs cause tumours, Climate change is a hoax, vaccines never worked and are also a hoax, moon landing is hoax, eugenics is still alive, America is secretly a socialist country, pizzagate is real,Trump wants to establish a New World Order, among many, many others.

Anytime anything interesting happens anywhere on the planet, there's a very high chance James has found "proof" it is either a false flag operation by the New World Order or a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order to implement the New World Order and has already discussed about it on one of his episodes on YouTube or a podcast on his channel. No exceptions. You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.

That's kind of the whole point of Aeync posting that garbage..

Global Pushback

As we all know, when globalists are looking for a population to test out their latest technology of enslavement, they turn to Africa. From genetic manipulation to vaccine experiments to agricultural "revolution," there is no shortage of examples of pathocrats disguising their experiments in technocratic tyranny as philanthropic concern for the poor, beleaguered people of that continent. It's hardly surprising, then, that Africa is once again serving as a laboratory for the latest globalist technocrat pet project: digital money.

Accordingly, Nigeria became one of the first nation's in the world to adopt an official, national central bank digital currency when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched the eNaira amid much fanfare in October 2021. Promoted with the slogan "Same Naira, more possibilities!" the bankster class collectively held its breath as it watched this trial run of digital money unfold before their eyes.

The early results of this experiment, however, were not promising for the money manipulators. Despite a massive push of the eNaira by the government and breathless coverage of its rollout in the establishment media, it was revealed one year after the digital currency's launch that a mere 0.5% of the population—one in every 200 people—had actually used it.

Not to be dissuaded, the CBN imposed new banking regulations last December, limiting cash withdrawals from ATMs to just ₦20,000 ($45) per day in a bid to increase adoption of the nation's CBDC.

The result? Again, utter failure. In fact, worse than utter failure. An actual uprising!

Nigerians took to the streets in February of this year to protest the cash restrictions and even attempted to storm the central bank.

CBN officials are now rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, upgrading the eNaira app to allow contactless payments, as if that was what was keeping people from using the banksters' new digital enslavement tokens. But, try as they might to cover it up, the results of this experiment in monetary manipulation are now clearly visible for all to see. The eNaira is a failure of such gargantuan proportions that it now serves as a cautionary tale to central bankers around the world about how pear-shaped things can get when a digital currency is shoved down an unwilling public's throat.

But it isn't just Nigeria where people are saying "no, thanks" to the banksters' digital money agenda.

In the European Union, protesters are already marching against the European Central Bank's (ECB) proposed "digital euro." In Croatia, for example, activists are warning that their government's adoption of the euro "will be followed by the introduction of a digital euro, and then you will have to kiss all the freedoms you know goodbye." In the Netherlands, meanwhile, demonstrators have staged rallies warning about the coming European CBDC and the ECB's plan "to control the spending habits of the population."

In Russia, too—where Putin has just signed the Central Bank of Russia's "digital Ruble" into law as an official national currency—people are already threatening to go Nigerian on their government. Recent polls show that a mere 6% of Russians are actually excited about their opportunity to use the new CBDC. This widespread distrust of the digital Ruble is reflected in the coverage of the currency in the nation's alternative news websites, which are filled with articles decrying the technocratic tyranny. One such article sums up the situation by noting that "we can only say that if citizens actively use non-cash transactions, then they themselves will enter the electronic banking concentration camp, seemingly completely voluntarily."

And how about in the bastion of liberty, the beacon on the hill, the good ol' US of A? Well, the grandstanding politicians—always eager to get in front of a parade and pretend they're leading it—are already introducing (and even passing) legislation to ensure CBDCs never sees the light of day in America.

Of course, readers of this column will know that these political promises aren't worth the paper they're written on. Nevertheless, the proposed legislation is important because it reflects two underlying realities. Firstly, it demonstrates that the American public is not on board with the CBDC agenda. And secondly, it signals to the Fed and other central banksters that they risk upsetting their whole rigged monetary system if they push this agenda too far and too fast.

Global Pushback​

As we all know, when globalists are looking for a population to test out their latest technology of enslavement, they turn to Africa. From genetic manipulation to vaccine experiments to agricultural "revolution," there is no shortage of examples of pathocrats disguising their experiments in technocratic tyranny as philanthropic concern for the poor, beleaguered people of that continent. It's hardly surprising, then, that Africa is once again serving as a laboratory for the latest globalist technocrat pet project: digital money.

Accordingly, Nigeria became one of the first nation's in the world to adopt an official, national central bank digital currency when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched the eNaira amid much fanfare in October 2021. Promoted with the slogan "Same Naira, more possibilities!" the bankster class collectively held its breath as it watched this trial run of digital money unfold before their eyes.

The early results of this experiment, however, were not promising for the money manipulators. Despite a massive push of the eNaira by the government and breathless coverage of its rollout in the establishment media, it was revealed one year after the digital currency's launch that a mere 0.5% of the population—one in every 200 people—had actually used it.

Not to be dissuaded, the CBN imposed new banking regulations last December, limiting cash withdrawals from ATMs to just ₦20,000 ($45) per day in a bid to increase adoption of the nation's CBDC.

The result? Again, utter failure. In fact, worse than utter failure. An actual uprising!

Nigerians took to the streets in February of this year to protest the cash restrictions and even attempted to storm the central bank.

CBN officials are now rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, upgrading the eNaira app to allow contactless payments, as if that was what was keeping people from using the banksters' new digital enslavement tokens. But, try as they might to cover it up, the results of this experiment in monetary manipulation are now clearly visible for all to see. The eNaira is a failure of such gargantuan proportions that it now serves as a cautionary tale to central bankers around the world about how pear-shaped things can get when a digital currency is shoved down an unwilling public's throat.

But it isn't just Nigeria where people are saying "no, thanks" to the banksters' digital money agenda.

In the European Union, protesters are already marching against the European Central Bank's (ECB) proposed "digital euro." In Croatia, for example, activists are warning that their government's adoption of the euro "will be followed by the introduction of a digital euro, and then you will have to kiss all the freedoms you know goodbye." In the Netherlands, meanwhile, demonstrators have staged rallies warning about the coming European CBDC and the ECB's plan "to control the spending habits of the population."

In Russia, too—where Putin has just signed the Central Bank of Russia's "digital Ruble" into law as an official national currency—people are already threatening to go Nigerian on their government. Recent polls show that a mere 6% of Russians are actually excited about their opportunity to use the new CBDC. This widespread distrust of the digital Ruble is reflected in the coverage of the currency in the nation's alternative news websites, which are filled with articles decrying the technocratic tyranny. One such article sums up the situation by noting that "we can only say that if citizens actively use non-cash transactions, then they themselves will enter the electronic banking concentration camp, seemingly completely voluntarily."

And how about in the bastion of liberty, the beacon on the hill, the good ol' US of A? Well, the grandstanding politicians—always eager to get in front of a parade and pretend they're leading it—are already introducing (and even passing) legislation to ensure CBDCs never sees the light of day in America.

Of course, readers of this column will know that these political promises aren't worth the paper they're written on. Nevertheless, the proposed legislation is important because it reflects two underlying realities. Firstly, it demonstrates that the American public is not on board with the CBDC agenda. And secondly, it signals to the Fed and other central banksters that they risk upsetting their whole rigged monetary system if they push this agenda too far and too fast.
Since Russia has been removed from Swift I’m not sure why they would develop a Digital currency?

If BRICS is doing this then it’s just another extension of Swift and they really aren’t any different.

They are pushing this cashless system hard but not via MSM.
It’s being done locally with transnational owned subsidiaries like LIDL for example here and others.

No mention of it on the TV just little blurbs in the paper and what not.

If they succeed is getting digital currency implemented then it’s over for us.

This is one hill you must die on.
This is an excellent English blog on all things Russia and specifically Russian CBDC efforts

This is an excellent English blog on all things Russia and specifically Russian CBDC efforts

Everything you post is pro-oil and pro-Russia.

Makes me wonder how many people in this forum are dumb enough to read your garbage.

Edward Slavsquat

Banksters Running Scared

Yes, it's safe to say that, on the CBDC issue at least, the momentum is not in the banksters' favour. In fact, things are so bad that the establishment is now beginning to contemplate whether the mad dash toward CBDCs might just wake up the public to the whole monetary scam.

In a revealing op-ed in The Financial Times last month, Brookings Senior Fellow Eswar Prasad warned, "Central banks must not be blind to the threats posed by CBDCs." After dutifully detailing all of the nifty features of programmable money that would-be world controllers can take advantage of ("imposing negative nominal interest rates to disincentivise saving," for example), he then cautions the central banksters that their pretense of "political neutrality" might be exposed for the self-evident sham that it is if central banks start meddling in people's everyday transactions.

Central banks could be viewed as political agents if their visibility into payment transactions is used for law enforcement or surveillance purposes. [. . .] Central banks already face threats to their independence, credibility and legitimacy. The more extensive the functionality of the money they issue, the greater the political pressures they will be exposed to. At a minimum, such innovations pose risks to the integrity of central bank money.
Oh, won't somebody think of the central banksters' credibility!?

And—wouldn't ya know it?!—just as Prasad and others are beginning to warn that the banksters might be pushing too far and too fast with this whole "programmable money" idea, it looks like the monetary mafia are now stepping back from the CBDC brink . . . at least publicly.

Just this past week, the Central Bank of Colombia issued a white paper on the "Expected Macroeconomic Effects of Issuing a Retail CBDC," which admits that if central banks push the cashless agenda too far and the situation "reaches a point where the use of cash is about to disappear, central bank money could lose its role as a monetary anchor for deposits and other forms of private money." Also this past week, the Bank of Canada issued a report on "Unmet Payment Needs and a Central Bank Digital Currency," which acknowledges that "consumers face few payment gaps or frictions and therefore might have relatively weak incentives to adopt and — especially — to use CBDC at scale."

In other words, central bankers are quietly admitting there's no real advantages to retail CBDCs, and there are even potential downsides to their introduction.

Of course, as my astute readers will already know, this does not mean that the issue is settled, that the bankers have given up, and that the CBDC dream is officially done. No, it just means that they have to change tack and try to find other ways to cajole the public into the digital gulag. Perhaps this is why the central banking minions are now openly strategizing about how best to sell their digital money agenda to an unwilling public.

Take the Bank of Israel, for example. It just released a new white paper purporting to identify "Principles for creating 'Acceptance' and 'Network Effect' for the Digital Shekel," or, in plain English: "Ways to convince the rubes to use our virtual slave coins." The document considers ideas for leveraging the "Network Effect" to artificially stimulate adoption of the digital shekel. Naturally, the plan does not focus on ways to incentivize the use of CBDCs but rather on ways to enforce their acceptance, including obligating banks, payment providers and merchants to participate in the scheme or forcing the government to officially declare the digital shekel to be legal tender.

On its face, the fact that the banksters are now openly plotting how best to stuff digital money down the public's throat may be a worrying development.

But, upon further reflection, the fact that the banksters are now turning from the carrots of incentives and bonuses and discounts to the stick of government regulation and enforced adoption does not mean that the anti-CBDC movement is doomed to failure.

On the contrary. The fact that the banksters are now actively engaged in a struggle against the general public are signs that we are winning and that CBDCs are not inevitable.

Resistance is Fertile

I've made the point before, but it bears repeating: the constant stream of propaganda, conditioning and censorship that we are subjected to from governments, establishment institutions and their lapdog media is not a sign of their strength. It is a sign of their weakness.

The fact that they have to spend billions of dollars a year pumping lies and misinformation into the heads of the citizenry in order to keep people from seeing the truth is a tacit admission that our thoughts and opinions actually do matter. After all, why would they bother propagandizing to us at all if they didn't require our approval (or at least our docile apathy) to continue pursuing their agenda?

Similarly, the fact that the banksters are ramping up the next stage of their CBDC indoctrination operation—attempting to convince an increasingly skeptical public that a complete overhaul of the fabric of our monetary reality is somehow beneficial to Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom—is a tacit admission that we are the ones who decide whether CBDCs are implemented or not. They can tout the benefits of their digital slave tokens all they want, but if we refuse to use them, then the CBDC world order will not come to fruition.

The banksters, for one, are well aware of this fact. But are we aware of it?

I understand why this message—that pushback and protest do matter and that the globalist agenda is not inevitable—is such an unpopular one in the "alternative" media. If the message is simply: "Relax, everyone! The battle is over and CBDCs have been defeated! Now go back to sleep!" then it is indeed no different from enemy propaganda.

But that is not the message here. Instead, the message is that the public is—for the time being and until the propaganda machine kicks into high gear—overwhelmingly on our side. People DO NOT WANT programmable money and the vast majority see it for what it is: another trick on the part of the establishment to take more power and control away from every day people and put it in the hands of the banksters and their cronies.

That's why this is the time to seize the momentum of public opinion and steer it into actual productive activity. We can encourage Cash Friday awareness. We can build up local trading communities based on alternative and complementary currencies. We can introduce those around us to Agorist.Market. We can promote community currencies and precious metals and decentralized cryptos and barter circles and the million other forms of survival currency that clued-in Corbetteers have been researching for years.

The time has come to harvest those seeds you've been planting! The public is on our side!

Yes, your resistance and pushback do matter. It does make a difference. We do have a part to play in this. Now, let's go out there and put the final nail in the CBDC coffin.

What are we waiting for?

If you've been following the news, you'll know that shoplifting and looting have been on the rise across the US in recent months, with retailers from San Francisco to Portland to Washington, D.C., forced to close up shop in the face of mounting losses from the spate of increasingly brazen burglaries.​

And you'll probably also be aware that the phenomenon is not confined to the US, with businesses in Canada and the UK and France and Australia and elsewhere similarly reporting an increase in robberies and theft since the scamdemic.

And you'll doubtless have heard the various explanations for this phenomenon doled out by the faithful media mouthpieces of the controlled two-party paradigm:

It's soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis that's causing desperate people to turn to crime!

No, it's the godless Commifornia politicians and the "woke" defund-the-police mob who are to blame!

No, it's the scamdemic lockdowns that caused people to forget basic civility!

No, it's the illegal immigrants!

No, it's an organized conspiracy of retail workers!


Of course, there are grains of truth in all of these explanations, but none of them get to the real heart of the matter. So, what's really behind this explosion in retail theft? And, more to the point, what do the powers-that-shouldn't-be have in store as their "solution" to this (generated) problem? The answers may surprise you.



Although the reality of a surge in shoplifting is disputed by some, it's getting harder to deny that dramatic acts of retail theft are becoming more commonplace in this era of the Brave New Normal.

Just ask retailers in California, where increasingly audacious acts of looting and pillaging are being committed by groups of thieves—and, in some cases, even organized flash mobs—on a daily basis.

And the robbers aren't just targeting luxury retailers (though they certainly are targeting them), they're also going after mom-and-pop stores and local, family-owned businesses, too.

And it's not just soft-on-crime California where burglary is out of control. Similar surges in retail theft are being seen in Seattle and New York and Portland and Chicago and Washington, D.C.

And it's not just a problem in the US. Shoplifting is up in Canada and Ireland and the UK and even the Netherlands.

Heck, shoplifting has gotten so bad in jolly ol' England that upscale supermarket chain Waitrose is now offering free coffee to police officers in a ploy to boost law enforcement's presence at their stores.

So, what on earth is going on here? There are as many explanations for this seemingly global crime spree as there are talking heads and op ed writers.

Broadly speaking, commentators on the left blame the problem on systemic issues, from corporate greed and surging inflation to systemic poverty and oppressive capitalism.

Commentators on the right, meanwhile, pin the blame on progressive legislators' decision to essentially decriminalize shoplifting and on law enforcement's inability to establish law and order in the face of increasingly hostile anti-police sentiment.

As usual, there is an element of truth to all of these claims. But none of these factors are so fundamentally different than they were a few years ago as to account for such a surge in retail theft. Surely there must be something bigger going on here, right?

Of course there is.

One interesting part of this shoplifting pandemonium that is only beginning to get attention is that retailers themselves seem to be adding to the problem. You see, not only is California's Senate looking to pass legislation to stop employees from confronting shoplifters, but more and more companies are now adopting an official policy expressly forbidding their employees from intervening in the event of retail theft, no matter how blatant. Indeed, this past summer, Lowe's and Lululemon both made headlines for firing employees who tried to confront shoplifters. And just last month a Colorado supermarket employee was fired for merely filming a shoplifter in the act (an action for which he was commended by local police).

At the surface level, it's no surprise that big corporations and box store retailers would implement a no-confrontation policy. They're worried about the legal liability they may have if an employee/shoplifter confrontation ends in injury or death. But there's an even more fundamental question we have to ask if we want to know why corporations are firing their own employees even as they're losing billions of dollars or why legislators are working to decriminalize shoplifting even as retail theft explodes or why the establishment media are effectively advertising to would-be thieves that they will not be prosecuted or even confronted no matter how blatant their criminality. And that question is: cui bono?
