diy solar

diy solar

Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

Search term "dead victron" on this site yields 6 pages of results.

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They are not immortal.

I for one am perfectly happy with my Sungold TP6048 which is a voltronic.

I don't mind that some believe in victron is all that's worth buying.

I personally don't feel the same :)

Id much rather have a schneider xw over anything victron ever dreamed of or probably ever will.

Which is fine but seeing at the number of people who also think Harbor Freight generators are as good as Honda and Yamaha, I have my doubts.
Precisely :)

Or when you go to get that 2nd one replaced under warranty and end up having to buy the next one because only the first one is covered you get another flashlight !
Ford vs Chevy…Glock vs S&W…..The Beatles vs The stones… Cadillac vs Lincoln ..Harley vs Triumph… SpaceX vs no one …Honda vs Yamaha…Coke Vs Pepsi…Bojangles vs Popeyes…. .Camaro vs Mustang…..Gibson vs Fender…Marshall vs Boogi…….Kirk vs Picard ..AR vs AK…Lambo vs Fararri …..Tesla vs …umm.. vs… ummm..well nobody,…..

this is why Baskin Robbins has 27 flavors.
The nice thing about this forum is that it has information on a wide variety of products. Many with satisfied users.

Given a larger budget and more time there are other products that would be fun to work with.
Epiphone-the voltronic of guitars ???
I suspected that as you didn’t have the head stock visible and the fret inlay wasnt trapezoid or blocked like a custom…BUT , don’t fret….it is more like the bulova of watches…a grand + + ain’t chump change for a guitar……
I suspected that as you didn’t have the head stock visible and the fret inlay wasnt trapezoid or blocked like a custom…BUT , don’t fret….it is more like the bulova of watches…a grand + + ain’t chump change for a guitar……
I wouldn't know about Bulova? I don't wear watches-can't afford them ?
I like what you've done switching gas for solar, but am curious about one thing. Did you already own the jeep outright or was that still being paid off, and how does that balance out vs the cost of the new Tesla?

My jeep wasn't quite paid off. I had like 10k left on loan and my payment was like $350/month I think. Between fuel, payment, maintenance I was sitting around $1200/mo as I recall.
Here's what I'd like (has been eating at me)


But I'm notoriously cheap, so I'm piecing together a collection of top chests and bottom roller cabinets of their old models being discontinued. It'll be mismatched in color and size. Maybe 12' to 15' wide if I pick up enough. Replacing shelf bracket upper shelves and cinder block lower.

My wife periodically points out the garage remodel pictures that come in the mail.
But I don't want that particle board cr*p. Looks like I can pay $100 per linear foot of bottom or top tool chest, so that's what I'm doing.
