diy solar

diy solar

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  1. evotech

    Fuse and Wire question for Sol-Ark15k + 6 Eg4ll + 16KwPV?

    I am getting close to wiring my Sol-Ark 15K to 6 Eg4 LL batteries. Total PV is 16Kw. I was thinking 2 sets of #2 wire from batteries to Sol-Ark, Any reason to go bigger? Should I fuse these before the Sol-Ark? I like the idea of minimizing the equipment but I am not sure if I should be adding...
  2. evotech

    Optimal Panel Configuration Advice Needed

    Here is the rundown. I have 35 460W Bluesun Bifacial that will be feeding a 15K Sol-Ark Using the Sol Ark Panel Sizing Tool I seem to be exceeding the max input for the MPPTS when I wire with the strings in series. Keep in mind that the panels are bifacial and are capable of a 25% gain . I am...
  3. evotech

    Off Grid Solar Design Tool for Permit Process?

    I need to submit a rough schematic to San Deigo County showing all the components that I plan to use for my off grid home that I am building. Is there any design tool that would help me generate this? I guess I could always go with pen and paper but if there is a tool that would help, that would...
  4. evotech

    California Complaint Batteries and Inverters?

    I am so confused. I need to buy about 20KWH of storage, but I am not sure which batteries will pass inspection in Califonia? The CA energy commission publishes this list but I am not sure if that limits me to only these batteries. Perhaps another CA member can chime in. To complicate matters my...
  5. evotech

    Help with Parts List Needed

    I am building a 2200 sq foot home in San Diego. (mucho Sun) 100% off grid. I have the following parts from my DC Solar Trailer and assorted used panels that I have in stock. What parts do you think I need to add to this? I was thinking of 3 parallel strings on 3 panels in series per Midnight...
  6. evotech

    Removing Cell from a forklift pack?

    So here is the deal. I have two banks of 24 2v tubular cells. One pack has a damaged cell at the end of the run. The question is this. If I remove that cell, should I also remove the corresponding cell in the other bank thus reducing the voltage to 46V. If I remove just the damaged cell, they...
  7. evotech

    I could use some Off-Grid design help

    I have a Sunnyboy 7000US inverter that I plan on operating in Islanding Mode in an off grid application. SMA confirms that this is possible, However, when it comes to batteries I can't get a straight answer. Can't I simply set this up as a DC coupled system with a separate MPPT charge...
  8. evotech

    Any Reviews on Meritsun 10kwh 48v from Alibaba?

    I do see that several members here have purchased one of THESE However, I have not seen anyone write a review or better yet take a look inside the case to see how it is put together. It is a pretty slick looking unit and they seem to claim that is is UL certified, but I have my doubts. Seems to...
  9. evotech

    Need Design Advice! Building a brand new 2300sq ft 100% off grid

    I am in the design phase of a 100% off grid home to be built in San Diego. I am a DIY guy to my core. Building this home will be my first project in retirement. I spent the last month teaching myself autocad to design the home. So far so good. Now come the choices for energy. This is not a cabin...