diy solar

diy solar

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  1. D

    Dc to Dc load on truck.

    I know there are different amp ratings for the DC to DC chargers. I believe those ratings are what power the unit can/will put into your battery pack. I am surprised that their adds usually do not list what amp draw this will put on the alternator that is powering it. This is a very important...
  2. D

    Battery rating math.

    I think I understand a battery’s amp hour rating and how that relates to it maximum charge rating. I have a pair of deep cycle golf cart batteries, wired in series, in my travel trailer. The rating on the sticker says “120 minutes @ 75amps”. How do I convert that to amp hour rating? Is it as...
  3. D

    Can I connect my alternator to my MPPT?

    When driving between camping spots I already have an alternator turning and charging the engine battery. I know not to connect my alternator to the coach deep cycle batteries since this would probably overcharge the engine battery. Thinking about a DC to DC battery charger, I had the thought...