diy solar

diy solar

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  1. A

    Mixing batteries (DIY + Preassembled)

    Hello. I have a 48v system using Deye 8kw hybrid and a DIY Eve 280ah with JK-BMS. I want to add another bank for more storage and there are now preassembled systems in my area. I saw a same 280ah Higee battery bank with a smart daly BMS. (Looks better btw compared to my assembled Eve)...
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    Deye hybrid in offgrid SBU mode

    Please help with settings: AC Input: 210v Inv Output 230v Zero Output to Load I would like my setup to run in offgrid/hybrid mode, that is SBU (Solar, Battery and Utility) with 230v in output when in solar and battery. However, with the above setup, the output of the inverter forces it to be...
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    2p16s: What to do with faster (and slower) 'runners'

    Hello guys. My setup has been under observation for the last 10 days and would like to ask your inputs on the best practice on how to deal with the faster (and slower) cells on what I could only conclude as those with lower or higher internal resistance than the rest. 1. The 32 cells are...
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    Double post

    Sorry double post
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    JK-BMS Calibrating Voltage

    Hello. Im from the Philippines and just done setting up a 2p16s 280ah (from shenzhen basen) on a plywood enclosure. I calibrated the voltage at the voltage at the terminals (B-) and it seems it is significantly different from the inverter display voltage which I suppose is at the P-, sometimes...
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    Expandability of battery banks

    Hello everyone. Planning to build a 16s/280ah battery bank using a daly smart bms 300a. Question is, can I add another set or sets in the future in parallel to get twice or thrice the capacity? I cant seem to find information if the multiple bms's can be paralleled. E.g., Set 1 - Daly 16s...