diy solar

diy solar

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  1. T

    The big question: more batteries or panels first?

    We're retired and on a tight budget, so this month and next, we get two more 100 watt panels, or another itty bitty 50 ah battery (as much as I'd like to get a 100 ah, no mix and match). Where we're at, we're getting about 4 amps steadily between 10 am and 2 pm over the day, enough to charge up...
  2. T

    DIY solar portable HD generator

    I thought I'd pass this along because it seems like a great idea, it's DIY, and saves a bundle. ?.
  3. T

    Toddler part 3: Renogy rover wth?

    From the Renogy rover booklet, a most unhelpful instructions booklet. Can someone explain accumulated ah and discharged ah on this booger, because we've got zero for those after three days. Also why does the charging current often say 0.00, when it's in the sun and getting panel voltage? The...
  4. T

    Toddler part Two

    So the next question is: Edit: LifePo4 batteries. Does the battery have to be the same 12.8v 50 ah from the same company? They are selling it bundled with an AC plug in charger, which I think is a good emergency tool to have, but there are other less pricy 12.8v 50ahs out there. However some...
  5. T

    Explain to me as to a toddler

    We finally went solar after 7 years of vanlife. Eco-Worthy 2 100 watt panels full kit w a 12.8v 50ah battery, and a 600 watt inverter, with a 30A PWM controller. First thing we did was toss the PWM for a Renogy Rover 30A. 24 hours plus, all was good (except parking in the hot sun) but then last...