diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. C

    Arc Shield / Finger guard for AC fused disconnect GE TG3222R

    This is my AC disconnect: Inspection failed me for not having a plastic guard over the line side on my fused AC disconnect. I've been unable to find any reference to this part, and there...
  2. C

    Roof attachment through strapping into rafters?

    Search didn't turn up anything - my house (built in the 60's, southern US) has a roof arrangement where there are 2x6 rafters every 20", then 1x3.5 strapping, with 5.5 inch spaces between boards, then plywood decking on top. I'm attaching with flashloc Duo mounts, attaching to rafters...
  3. C

    Does your AHJ require EMT on the roof?

    Austin requires metal conduit on roof for AC and PV wiring- and i'm just curious if this is common in other parts of the country.
  4. C

    Electrician Needed for Permit: Austin, TX

    Hi- I've designed and am DIY installing my system on my residence. My local utility requires an Electrician pull an Auxiliary Power permit and be present for inspection. So I am looking for someone who is willing to pull permit, review plans, review work, and be present for inspection. No...
  5. C

    AC trunk cable transitions between different roof planes

    Hi- My AHJ does not allow any exposed roof wiring. I'm doing a microinverter system with multiple physically separated arrays which are on the same AC trunk cable. I need a way to transition the unprotected AC trunk cable (this stuff) to EMT conduit (required by my AHJ). Does anyone know of a...
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    Austin TX Area: Need Electrician for Permit only

    Hi DIY Solar Forums: I'm looking for an Austin area electrician to assist with permit pulling for my DIY project. Has anyone worked with someone for this that they can recommend? Thanks!
  7. C

    DIY in Austin - Impossible?

    Hi - I have been researching DIY, and it seems for folks that live in Austin, this is maybe impossible. I'm hoping I'm wrong and you all can show me the path. Austin Energy (local utility) requires a city permit of type Electrical Permit - Auxiliary Power. This permit is only issued to licensed...