diy solar

diy solar

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  1. T

    My take on mobile builds and ac/dc gear.

    Mostly, it is remote recording gear, low power draw, pristine recording and reproduction; nothing high powered. If I need the subwoofers, I have to run a MUCH larger inverter, theoretically, on paper (yet clearly true) since I have yet to build and test the rig. In general, unless you need...
  2. T

    New Hampshire here.

    Excellent. Gettin' chilly hereabouts. LOL
  3. T

    New Hampshire here.

    Thank you. :)
  4. T

    My take on mobile builds and ac/dc gear.

    I break loads down into categories. Those that will be constantly running and those that will run for short periods, high and low draw, and whether the load is available in LVDC or only available in an AC version. The build I am working on now is a mobile, so I am focused on avoiding extra...
  5. T

    AC or DC appliances

    I consider AC appliances a better value, in general, with refrigeration an exception, because when you lose an inverter, you lose your food.
  6. T

    New Hampshire here.

    Very pleased to be here. Greetings to all. :)