diy solar

diy solar

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  1. C

    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    appreciate. Battery monitor just not obtained yet. These rack batts do have individual monitors on them though so I can watch them. They are getting close to going under 60% right now.... thus the questions. I have had them for 4 months.
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    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    am aware not reaching full charge is not advantageous. The first mode is bulk... so if I set that voltage not 28.8 what would you recommend? I am not aware yet of what voltages represent 90% or 80% for example. Manufacture of battery recommends above 60% minimal.
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    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    this was reading to me as each stage... has an adjustable Fixed voltage....telling user to wait till it reaches that stage before adjusting "..... 8.ADJUST FIXED VOLTAGE DESCRIPTION: The unit is on the three stage charging mode firstly. 1. move the switch A to "Adjust Fixed Voltage", move...
  4. C

    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    you may be right though... this manual sucks.... Ill have to call seller
  5. C

    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    this is a 24v charger not 12v. Application is RV..... but I will be eventually using this 110v charger on occasions for lead acid bank. That bank will charge lithium thru Dc to Dc (and solar, @1000w) so can us alternator to charge when driving. I just need to maintain charge proper in these...
  6. C

    PowerMax P3 converter/charger 50amp 24v 3stage- adjustble per stage..... what to adjust for?

    Sorry I can not search. Server here is having problems.... all searches return an error. anyway..... I have a RV type converter charger.. PowerMax PM3 50 24LK. The manual sucks. Reading seems to say I can/must adjust output for the 3 stages to my preference ( to match type batteries I will...
  7. C

    Server Error

    Get server error when trying to do a search
  8. C

    can one demote some bad Lead acid 12v battery to use as a 6v battery?

    now that thinking more this would be a good experiment when considering possiblities of survivalist living from collected junk batteries to extend an existing bank of of a good batts. so .... what about : >stringing bad 12v's together based on their average sad resting voltage (as long as its...
  9. C

    can one demote some bad Lead acid 12v battery to use as a 6v battery?

    did search here and full internet search... only found on discussion and it was inconclusive. can you take: > two BAD 12v battery that no longer make it much or not at all over 50 percent capacity > discharge each below 6v..... > recharge one at a time with an old charger that has a 6v charge...
  10. C

    Solar Controller Remote

    any luck. I got controller(s) and remotes that plug to android device for programming thru an app..... but they have zero information on where/what app. Seller not returning messages of course.
  11. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    an electronics supplier is 90% confidient it is a NTC thermister (NTC = Negative Temperature Coefficient) he gave me a test to see what "K" they are so he can advise further. Will do once it arrives from china
  12. C

    Temperature sensor replacement / rewiring for a solar charge controller

    Well to my surprise got a reply This sensor measure the ambient air temperature to adjust charging so it helps charging the battery well. 2. It's not measuring battery surrounding temperature. 3. We don't have this requirement. (to put controller near battery) 4. It's 47K thermal resistance...
  13. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    if this helps.. another seller with very similar dongle on their controller responded with below information Hi, 1. This sensor measure the ambient air temperature to adjust charging so it helps charging the battery well. 2. It's not measuring battery surrounding temperature. 3. We...
  14. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    this might be a solution. leave the dongle since dont know really what it is... leaning my thoughts toward it limits charge output to not cook itself when hot.... maybe it limits it when cold... will see what doccumentations says..... but if it does not.. here is a potential way to add...
  15. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    have messaged a couple of vendors about their controller with a similar temp sensor dongle on them to gather info... will be a miracle if they reply ... if they do; will report back. asked if : > the sensor was primary for modulating charge output to protect the controller based on temperature...
  16. C

    Temperature sensor replacement / rewiring for a solar charge controller

    have messaged a couple of vendors about their controller with a similar dongle on them to gather info... will be a miracle if they reply ... if they do will report back. asked if : > the sensor was primary for modulating charge output to protect the controller based on temperature or protect...
  17. C

    Temperature sensor replacement / rewiring for a solar charge controller

    a post elsewhere makes one wonder differently..... it hinted at that the temp sensor may well be for the controller..... to dial it back if it is getting to hot so it does not cook itself hmmmmm?
  18. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    Yep ...... lead batts. One thing at a time thanks.... so it the becomes a math-dollar game: Ive got five 24v 10amp controllers each will mate with its own 24v panel arrangement (long story.. but it is what I have). so dollars per foot of wire types/gauges throws one into what may be best...
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    Temperature sensor replacement / rewiring for a solar charge controller

    hmmmm.... is his thinking sound plausible that the sensor is NOT for battery but for the MPPT controller itself? Would think the controller does not care so much abut its own temperature as it would the battery?
  20. C

    Temperature sensor replacement / rewiring for a solar charge controller

    just found this thread. I am in the same boat
  21. C

    extending battery temp sensor wires on Mppt

    did search some first... if there is a topic thread on this I missed please do point it out. would like to modify the battery temperature sensor. Whole inside of my controller is a solid mass of epoxy cause it is IP68 (dust/waterproof). In typical use; this type controller is used sitting...
  22. C

    MPPT controller what is?? "12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set"

    gave up... only was saving me about 30 bucks to go with the intended plan of three remote models, and three non remote models..... figuring the remotes were universal and the controllers the same 10a mppt IP68 controller..... . TOTAL FAIL... as discussed in above post the seller did not have...
  23. C

    MPPT controller what is?? "12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set"

    ohhhhhhhh....... I think I figured part of it out. the "output current" in the brochure is not about charging..... that is the rated output to the load/lamp wire such as use for street light.... or. electric fence orrr.... Waiting on their reply about the remotes which appear to be...
  24. C

    MPPT controller what is?? "12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set"

    Finally found the manufactures website and this has gotten even weirder. These are advertised a ten amp MPPT's. One model that has an IR remote included. see solar street lamp controllers in below brochure. (I got these cause in my setup IP68 is very important) . Models I purchased are the...
  25. C

    MPPT controller what is?? "12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set"

    Yes it is Chinglish ??? 48v ??? this is not a 48v controller..... it is 12 or 24v am using a pair of 100w @12v panels in a string/series.... but tis said to use Voc to calculate so that is closer to 40v in total when these panels are in series.. Since 24v charging needs up to
  26. C

    MPPT controller what is?? "12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set"

    12V/24V lead acid, 3 strings/6 strings ternary lithium battery, 4 strings/8 series lithium iron phosphate, can be set what does any of that mean? String?
  27. C

    Need B2B and alternator recommendation for 12 V RV

    keep me posted please on your doings please. My system is 24v including alternator.
  28. C

    Need B2B and alternator recommendation for 12 V RV

    cool idea. Though IMHO sorta illogical to not use the alt. to kick the lithium up quickly and be done with it. Granted that is assuming one has a large enough one to do so already. In my case for example; have approx 140amps left over after draws at 24v after to do just that so it is really...
  29. C

    Need B2B and alternator recommendation for 12 V RV

    yup on all points. Funnny how you express the married to lead point like it's a "not a have to be thing"......... then show..... you do actually have to be married to it, to keep from melting things.
  30. C

    alternator charging a bank that solar charger is also connected too-- any issues on this?? (lead bank)

    ok..... I had it little off ....... ok maybe a lot off. Ill keep searcing/talking to clark to figure understand the BBMS better. BTW....... here is an idea to steal from big vessel boaters (yachts) BLOW high speed outside air onto the alternator. They even duct it straight to the alt in...
  31. C

    alternator charging a bank that solar charger is also connected too-- any issues on this?? (lead bank)

    yes .... as I understand it... the BBMS can throttle up and down the lithium charging as a charge management and bank protection tool for both banks (lead or bank of LiPo4)... unlike a BMS whose only options to manage charging between cells to protect a whole battery happens via a complete shut...