diy solar

diy solar

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  1. Z

    rosen solar

    I let you judge the built quality of that setup ...
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    rosen solar

    Had to deal with Rosen after sales ... Ended up getting a replacement unit for 1 of their 200ah Powerwall that failed after less than a year (defective cell, discharging / charging much faster than the rest of the pack Can not be replaced as busbar is laser welded on cells ...). Their cells are...
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    Solark 12k (outdoor) closed loop communications

    Many assemblers of batteries have a tendency to set charging voltage a bit high on the BMS. I have the same issue with another 15S also set to charge @ 54V / 3.6V per cell. After trying different options, the sweet spot to avoid 1 cell to reach OVP too fast seems to be 53V. That leaves enough...
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    Solar Assistant reporting 0 on pv energy

    Dashboard & total. Charts are ok ... Looks like it's only the total of the current day that is funny but it gets updated correctly the following day. Looks like it has been corrected with the last beta released today.
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    Solar Assistant reporting 0 on pv energy

    What version of SA are you running ? Got 3 inverters with 3 different versions of SA for each of them (last release, previous beta and last beta) and I just noticed funny solar generation data for the last beta.
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    Help with Pace BMS Comms

    Actually it looks like a Pace BMS but display is different as it is written "Lanpwr" on it ... Might be a customized version of a Pace or a copy, then Pace software not compatible. Worth trying asking Lanpwr directly if they can point you in the right direction...
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    Help with Pace BMS Comms

    You need to set the battery ID to 1 on the dip switch (ID 1 = 1st switch up, the others down). Then you should be able to use the BMS Tools on rs232 or just get com with your inverter (brand ?) thru CAN or RS485. You can download a more recent version here ...
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    Need help with older Pace BMS

    you can download the 2.03 version here : Admin password is 123456
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    Solar Assistant Communication cable RS232 (RJ45)

    That console / serial / Cisco cable will probably not work. I tried ... You have the RS485 pin out of your inverter ? If so, the cheapest option is this cable ...
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    Solar assistant reading battery capacity incorrectly

    Same here with 3 racks of Narada NPFC80 (80Ah then) reported as 100Ah. SOC reported is right, just capacity wrongly reported as 100Ah instead of 80ish. And Individual cell voltage reported non-sense (> 10v) as soon as highest cell voltage reach anything > 3.6v. Reported the issue to SA like...
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    BMS Narada

    Confirm, you can use the Signature Solar / LifePower software (BMS Test) to read BMS data : But you can not change BMS settings with this. You need the specific Narada software for this. Narada is using different brands &...
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    Rosen Solar from Alibaba, anyone have experience?

    Had an issue with a 200Ah Rosen Powerwall. 1 group of cells loosing capacity : discharge @ 2.7v when other cells still @ 3.2v, charge @ 3.6v when other cells still @ 3.4v. Took a few days to get in touch with Tech Support but after confirming cells are faulty, Rosen is sending a new Powerwall...
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    Sunsynk inverter optimum settings?

    Easier if you post your grid, battery & time of use settings ...
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    RS485 RJ45 to USB for EG4-LL & Solar Assistant?

    Old post, you probably found a way now but just in case as I had the same issue of wires barely fitting on the USB to RS485 terminal block. I found a better option using this 10 USD cable : Remove the...
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    RS485 RJ45 to USB for EG4-LL & Solar Assistant?

    Correct, you can not split RS485 ports then either connect only the inverter or only the batteries to the PI ... Unless your batteries & inverter communicate thru a distinct CAN port instead of RS485 or deactivate com between inverter & batteries but connect both to the PI via RS485. You'll...
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    Sunsynk inverter SUNSYNK-5K-SG01LP1 / SUNSYNK-5K-SG01LP3

    It all depends of your load ... if load < solar production, inverter supplies the load & charges the batteries at the same time if load > solar production, inverter + batteries supply the load. + grid if load > solar + batteries capacity
  17. Z

    Sunsynk inverter optimum settings?

    Deactivate grid charge @ time 2. If you want to charge the batteries only during cheaper rates (23-7) & be sure to discharge them during grid peak rates (17-19), you could do something like this : 1. 23h, SOC 100% grid charge 2. 7h, SOC 50% 3. 10h, SOC 100% 4. 14h, SOC 70% 5. 17h, SOC 20% 6...
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    Sunsynk inverter optimum settings?

    More used to the Deye interface which is a bit clearer (well, when you're used to it ...), anyway from what I understand : time 1 = 2.30 to 3.30 : grid charge to 100% time 2 = 3.30 to 7.30 : grid charge to 100% time 3 = 7.30 to 13.00 : don't know ... weird, no SOC displayed ? time 4 = 13.00 to...
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    Deye inverter to youthpower battery lifepo4

    You do need the correct pins assigned : if inverter expects RS485A signal on pin 8 but you send it on pin 1, it will obviously not work. If pins assignments didn't matter, manufacturers wouldn't bother telling you which pin does what ... The only difference between CAN & RS485 on the Deye is...
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    Deye inverter to youthpower battery lifepo4

    See RS485 & CAN ports pins assignments page 11 of the battery manual + Appendix I of the deye manual for pins assignments on the inverter ... Glad you found the right protocol settings but you need the correct pins on the RJ45 cable on both side ? As per the differences between RS485 & CAN ...
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    Deye inverter to youthpower battery lifepo4

    As per the user manual of your battery : You would need a custom RJ45 cable. 2 options : * RS485 : - inverter side : pins 7 & 8 - battery side : pins 2 & 1 Means pin 7 is connected to pin 2 & pin 8 is connected to pin 1...
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    Will the Deye inverter read all lithium cells inside the battery ?

    The BMS monitors all individual cells, calculates SOH & SOC and shutdown if voltage or temperature are out of range. Those data are available as displayed on most BMS monitoring softwares (example Narada attached) ... but inverters only request the full pack voltage, temperature, SOH & SOC...
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    Deye: ATS or no need?

    Nop, load connected to LOAD output is powered from the grid when inverter OFF / in fault (bypass) & load connected to GEN (smart load or essentials depending of your settings) is NOT powered.
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    Deye: ATS or no need?

    Correct Deye is in bypass when OFF or in fault. Then : - home load powered by grid if present ... - backup load NOT powered
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    Deye: ATS or no need?

    Why not simply using the backup load settings to limit load to essentials (up to inverter rating ...) during a power outage ?
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    Deye: ATS or no need?

    If load > inverter rating, inverter shuts down. Deye 8k is able to provide twice its rating for 10s. After it just shuts down. Problem solved ... Your load panel should also be protected by a properly rated MCB to avoid overload (50A max, you can be conservative and install a 40A MCB ...) If...
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    Sunsynk inverter optimum settings?

    What are your batteries settings btw ?
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    Sunsynk inverter optimum settings?

    Your system mode settings are weird ... 1. If you set every time stamps at 20%, your batteries will remain at 20% at all time except when sun allows excess power to charge the batteries. But when there is no sun, your batteries will stay at 20% and you will only use the grid ... 2. Your...
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    Replacing Growatt SPF 5000ES with Deye 5kw

    You can connect all your panels on the PV1 input and leave PV2 empty. The use of critical load (well, backup load on Deye diagram) or not depends of how much load can handle your PV + batteries during an outage. Personally, I don't use backup load but only load : inverter makes no distinction...
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    Deye WindTurbine support added to firmware?

    You need to send an email to with the model, current FW & serial number of your inverter to receive an upgrade. They do not send you a file but do the firmware upgrade remotely thru Solarman. Note that they will not tell you when they will do the upgrade (they did just a...
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    Any brands you want to avoid by all means ?

    Settings are locked online, you can not alter them remotely from Sunny Portal or the app. Settings are only accessible with user or installer credentials from Sunny Explorer (bluetooth / ethernet) or wifi for the newer models (past 2018 ... Took a while for SMA to replace BT by wifi ...) or the...
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    Any brands you want to avoid by all means ?

    SMA for the same reasons given above ... + online monitoring is a joke. Buggy & slow. Never updated. Both the Sunny Energy app + Sunny portal website. + Support is inexistent Why on earth would you pay a premium (like 3 times the price of some Chinese brands which do a better job) for that ?
  33. Z

    How to connect generator to 2x Deye 8k inverters in parallel

    From the Sunsynk training manual (more complete than the Deye manuals ...), It is not advised to connect a gen with parallel setup ...
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    Deye WindTurbine support added to firmware?

    Windturbines have always been supported as input but those settings are new. Received the same update with a new "gen force" setting on batteries settings too. No idea what it's supposed to do ...
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    Deye Firmware Tracker Thread

    - HMI 0000-c358 / Main 0-3374-1515 - Upgrade requested to Deye. Previously c356 at time of purchase - upgraded 11 July 2022 (Deye did it remotely, inverter shut down < 10 minutes ...) - 5k EU - single phase 230v - upgrade requested to solve an issue on time of use. Inverter didn't follow charge...