diy solar

diy solar

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  1. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    If a product fits for me, I could careless who else uses it or what anybody thinks of it We’ve been off grid completely for almost a year with large home and no need for a generator (which I have) with two Growatt 11.4 version 2 MIN-US inverters and ARO batteries - lot of people don’t like the...
  2. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Curious what inverter model specifically you are referring to by “on grid Growatts”?
  3. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    Not sure why you are puzzled- the path started by Carter and continued by Reagan, Clinton and 2nd Bush - the path of subsidizing research and development of methods of increasing fossil fuel production - read about “The Nonconventional Fuels (Section 29) Tax Credit went into effect in 1980“ and...
  4. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    Agreed. The simple fact of the matter is in this country we place a higher value on quality of life than the Chinese and some other societies - most of Russian society being another large example. But, it is my prediction that we in this country are quickly getting to the point where we will...
  5. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    I fail to see what opportunity was missed? Consider when the first internal combustion engines were conceived and “built” and when automobiles came into widespread use. Centuries. Even in these modern days technology takes much time to develop. The lithium battery chemistry most of us are...
  6. MajicDiver

    Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    We are loosing the south too………
  7. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    I’d be calling them, I also found them to be very responsive to emails.
  8. MajicDiver

    Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    I was not intending to be derogatory towards him, sorry. I totally understand, and solar is expensive unless subsidized in some manner. What the power company does is very expensive also. At $24 per month, expect it to get to 3 to 4 times that or more in some areas eventually as grid tied...
  9. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Curious who ordered first? It would be interesting/educational if the difference is due to differences in date of order
  10. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    My understanding from one of their people who was answering some battery questions I had is that they did not get them into their warehouse until last week and began shipping Friday.
  11. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Ok, use it to charge batteries on an ac coupled inverter, what they call in the diagram “grid connected inverter “.
  12. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    I also do not know what “smart load” actually does, need to read manual and see it it gives many clues. For us, the “dump load” is manually setting the mini splits to 62 when it’s hot and sunny and let the schedule set them back when sun starts setting- we spend most of daytime outside, it’s...
  13. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Not if you are off grid. In my personal experience, to be off grid year round and “Never” need to use a generator, you must have significantly more battery and PV than you need >90% of the time. Typically our batteries are at 100% before lunch, in mild weather it’s about an hour. If we were...
  14. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    When grid goes down, home load side goes down also.
  15. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    I believe this to be totally incorrect and indicates a misunderstanding of why the USA was once a industrial heavyweight but is no longer - reasons I say this: 1. Very few “working class” Chinese understand the value of their work and the goods they produce. For that reason they generally beat...
  16. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    There are many exceptions, but for the most part I agree. On most things, I actually prefer to buy made in China.
  17. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    Yes, he utterly destroyed General Electric, I lived thru the a good part of it. Unfortunately to this day he is still considered a “god” in the corporate world.
  18. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    I’m not sure you could hear 52db through the cover and with the other stuff close that would tend to attenuate the sound, like he said, too bad he already put it back together…….
  19. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    Any chance you have a picture good enough to see a nameplate or label with a number on it or something?
  20. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    With it buried inside, I’m not sure it would be possible for it to hear it.
  21. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    So, what do y’all think of the fact that Growatt advertises that the inverter cooling is “natural convection “? The datasheet clearly states that, now @lapsmith finds a fan inside. @1201 @BKY2003
  22. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    Can you identify in one of your pictures where fan is at? Unless what @1201 identified is a fan
  23. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    If it has a fan, I’ll be getting my $ back on all four of the ones I have, 2 V1 and 2 V2. I believe if there were a fan it would be evident in the pictures he has sent.
  24. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    Do you know the purpose of the coils in the heat sink? What do they do?
  25. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    What is the 3rd picture? And what are the wires going to thru the slot?
  26. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    Thanks! I have another 2 picture requests: 1. I searched your posts and have found where you uploaded closeup photos of parts of the main control board, but not one that shows the whole thing in one picture, could you up load a picture of each side of the board? 2. Can you upload a picture...
  27. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    @lapsmith So, the main circuit board must be mounted to the heat sink?
  28. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    I’d say they did it intentionally.
  29. MajicDiver

    Solar Assistant setup question

    Mine came with a power supply that plugs into 120 ac. Some people have power directly from dc battery power though - there are multiple treads discussing that somewhere on the forum
  30. MajicDiver

    Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    The simple fact of the matter is, either pay the utility what they require, or make your own electricity and cut the cord - that’s why very few restaurants charge a membership fee, there are those that do though.
  31. MajicDiver

    Using a Growatt MIN series inverter with LG Prime battery

    We learn by collaborating - each of us takes turns climbing up on the other’s shoulders and we all get taller each time. I’d really like to have some pictures of the sealed “shell” of the V3 inverter you took the circuit boards out of