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  1. G

    Need help understanding my BAE PVV 2v 1800ah Batteries

    So indeed, It is a Xantrex MPPT 60-150
  2. G

    Need help understanding my BAE PVV 2v 1800ah Batteries

    Dear Sunshine_eggo Thank you for taking your time with such a thorough response. It really is appreciated. This is the link to the inverter: My issue on the 3 stage cycle is...
  3. G

    Need help understanding my BAE PVV 2v 1800ah Batteries

    Hi Everyone, My family and I are the proud new owners of an amazing property in the New England, NSW. It has been set up off grid and is somewhat of a dream come true. Unfortunately I have minimal experience in off grid living and despite many hours of research remain quite bewildered. The...