diy solar

diy solar

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  1. ksmithaz1

    95% savings on electric bill with solar (and some help)

    No net-metering for me, I just pay the $20+/mo. Your power must be really expensive. I'm around 3MW in June/July, highest bill was a little bit over $400 in years past. Cut that down dramatically last year, with the first full month on my August bill (7/15-8/15). I doubled my batteries in...
  2. ksmithaz1

    No magic smoke, but no $ savings because I played with AC charging.

    Yea, I think mine increment every shift even if very small.
  3. ksmithaz1

    No magic smoke, but no $ savings because I played with AC charging.

    Oops, already did that 20 min ago, no gas station in site! To my point, gravity feed on a bike changes the paradigm. Pushed that B about 3 miles. Agree. None the less, testing/ratings should be based on 100-0-100, whatever those numbers might actually indicate on the battery in question is...
  4. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Email? Don't you mean the carrier pigeon that will get released by de-activating the magnetic latch on the spring loaded cage door when the power fails?
  5. ksmithaz1

    No magic smoke, but no $ savings because I played with AC charging.

    That is incorrect. By DEFINITION 1 FULL cycle is when you discharge from 100 to 0 and back to 100. 100 to 50 to 100 to 50 to 100 is two HALF cycles. You can not make the assumption that the "wear and tear" on the overall component / chemistry is the same no matter how you treat it. This...
  6. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    I keep forgetting about this. Probably why nobody will fly on his rockets/transport missions up to resupply and rotate crew for the ISS. I for one would much prefer to fly on a Russian rocket and come down in a tiny capsule than hop into one of those SpaceX death traps where nobody thought...
  7. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    We are just doing pure speculation of course. In that light, I submit, drag is a function of the density of the medium, and the footprint + mass of what you are dragging thru the medium. I'd say Tesla/Musk/et al has a bit of experience in that department. Assuming the LEO devices are fairly...
  8. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    The world ends tomorrow, film at 11PM tomorrow evening.
  9. ksmithaz1

    Concern regarding unplugging MC4 Connector

    You should really have a disconnect inline on the string. I use DC breakers, and flip them off any time I'm messing with my "shuffle-panels", but if the circuit is broken end-to-end there should be no flow in-series. Electricity is fickle stuff sometimes, but must have a path to a load to pull...
  10. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Two ways to do it. Assume it's going to puke, and have the ability to re-launch an adequate number of replacements (make them disposable) or spend a gazillion on drastically more robust hardware that may weather the storm. . . I guess we shall see.
  11. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend. :: "The drag force on satellites increases during times when the Sun is active. When the Sun adds extra energy the atmosphere the low density layers of air at LEO altitudes rise and are replaced by higher density layers that were previously at...
  12. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    To the point of this article, this affected LEO satellites that were being launched, failing to get to the right spot. I poked around, wondering about real effects. Starlink could be screwed.
  13. ksmithaz1

    Luyuan battery case

    Ground is whatever is the most dense mass the potential can hit. A radio works in a car because the antenna uses the chassis as a "Ground" for the radio signal induced current in the aerial. There should only be one point of connection between all earth grounds (rods) and all "grounded" metal...
  14. ksmithaz1

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Meh, satellites, How much "increased drag" for something floating around in space? Not buying this is going to do anything significant to the devices unless it just fries it. The thing is the event is significant because a magnetic pulse is inducing a current on the wires. If you have 5 miles...
  15. ksmithaz1

    EG4 18K Is Only Powering Loads in EPS Mode

    If you have a traditional 'soft-start' kit remove it and get the Micro Air EZ Start: It makes a huge difference.
  16. ksmithaz1

    Is there a better MC4 tool?

    It helps to clean and slide the locking tabs. I sprayed it in the plastic sockets last go around, and cut the locking tabs off with a razor knife last go-round on several of the old connectors. Drives me nuts, I considered cutting the things off and wire nutting them with a baggie and a tie...
  17. ksmithaz1

    Is there a better MC4 tool?

    MC4 connectors are bloody awful IMNSHO. I've found one problem is that the plastic pins like to sieze up a little in the receptacle, then dust and dirt get behind the locaking tabs just enough. I had a couple actually break off after I cut the locking tabs trying to wiggle them free. I think...
  18. ksmithaz1

    The next thing? Inverter or Battery? All in 1?

    A standard duplex/multiplex connector and smart bus for solar panels. Daisy chaining panels should plug A-B-C-...-AIO, the electronics in the box could have a protocol to reconfigure the parallel/serial chaining as desired / optimized, and handle any RSD requirements. The box on the panel...
  19. ksmithaz1

    Heat Pump water Heaters

    Ja, this is why I don't have one. Not knockin ya, well, maybe jerkin the chain a little, but I wonder how long you will find that interesting enough to get the roi. (y) Of course, I've found there is often diminishing interest as time goes on, but there is always some level of control we will...
  20. ksmithaz1

    Heat Pump water Heaters

    Back when I had one, my salt system did not run thru the HWH, it was cold water only. Interesting..
  21. ksmithaz1

    Heat Pump water Heaters

    The copper hot water pipe under my slab started leaking. Copper corrodes though it was 50+ years old. I've had a couple of three water tanks crack and leak. One destroyed a wall. I'm skeptical, but perhaps it's softer/more elastic/thicker?
  22. ksmithaz1

    New 10kw NHX AIO From Watts247

    Oh good grief. I've made a number of firmware suggestions to the EG4 team, several have been implemented over time, likely others have made similar ones, and I'm sure they've "stolen" ideas where other systems implement edge case issues in a more perfunctory manner. Products like these must...
  23. ksmithaz1

    Heat Pump water Heaters

    My old man bought a house in FL, they plumbed the hot water line to never-never land under the slab, that was fun to fix, had to re-route via PEX thru the roof. Ya know, one of my problems with with a lot if this stuff is I think I failed in my design if I have to futz with it. If I took a...
  24. ksmithaz1

    Thanks,Dad, For Teaching Me to DIY Stuff

    My son sent me a handwritten "Thank you for making me do stuff" letter while on a deployment. I will keep that one. My father was never afraid to try and do things, and always had me help. He grew up in a different world where people were more self-sufficient. I think a lot of the folks in...
  25. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    I've also said in the EV forums, Charging stations need to be more friendly. Four phallic symbols with cords in the dark back lot of a shopping center is decidedly sub-optimal. Starbucks or Dunkin or somebody should really capitalize on this, take the station 1/4 mile off the path, put up 8...
  26. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Musk had a plan. He set up fast charging stations all over the US as he built out production. Tesla has some very innovative tech at their DCFC's. He also mapped where he had access to the appropriate infrastructure and sized accordingly. We see a lot of the more rural EA stations in...
  27. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    I also think that the excessive government intervention creates most of the polarization we see here around EV's, which makes me sad. A few tax incentives to kickstart a nascent industry is not always a bad result, though as a libertarian I find it distasteful. Forcing change at high rates...
  28. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    I think this all bears repeating, and I think it is where most people fit in. Rivian makes a very cool pickup, if all you need is something to run down to the hardware store with once and a while to pick up some 2x4's. OTOH if you need that 3400, I'm afraid you need that 3400. If I'm towing...
  29. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Just don't fall into the trap: The fact that someone was abused to produce a material, that is also produced elsewhere, is not relevant to a product that might use that material. This is the straw-man. My shirt was made with cotton. Cotton is grown all over the world. In some provence in...
  30. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    On the flying cars and pie in the sky battery tech front: I'm probably a bit of a shill, and I admit I own stock (penny stock), because I think these guys are on the right track. They seem to be meeting their deadlines for the technology scaling, they finally produced prototype 1AH pouches in...
  31. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Wwwwweeeeel, they catch fire, they do not suffer from thermal runaway. A subtle but important difference. Thermal runaway = bad.
  32. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Technically correct. An 'explosion' implies rupturing a containment, fuel tank ruptures that leak fuel that ignite later are not contained, they just burn very rapidly over a wide area . . ."whoosh" Thermal runaway in a battery causes a containment loss, thus an 'explosion'. Cars generally...
  33. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    TLDR; It's propaganda when the only facts presented are those that support your argument, ignoring the ones that do not, thus implying that the entire system operates this way. Rare metals are mined in Africa (see also: Blood Diamonds) by unscrupulous people. These metals are used primarily...
  34. ksmithaz1

    What gauge wire for N-G bond?

    So, the "inventor of the electron" with 400+ posts is asking a blind question like this? I'd say if it starts glowing red and it gets warm enough, a stick, some marshmallows, and hershey's mini's you can do smore's. Real answers above. I think 18AWG is ~10A or so FTA/BUS.
  35. ksmithaz1

    Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Propaganda is always accurate. That is why it is often effective when not examined in full context. It's the conclusions that are the problem. Evil people do evil things, look here is an evil thing an evil person is doing (true/factual). Therefore all people are evil.