diy solar

diy solar

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  1. xtrorion

    EG4 18K anomalies in logging or something to actually be worried about.

    I have had my EG4 18k inverter running for quite some time, and it seems to be working real complaints once we got it updated to solve the grid feedback issue, and go SS to configure with for true off grid config. However, I have seen these anomalies is voltage spikes when...
  2. xtrorion

    My EG4 6500EX Exploded on restart!!!!!

    Ok, perhaps this is a little dramatic, but only a little. Here is a picture of my install. I am not a solar expert, but I have read a lot, and do have a electrical wiring background. Background Firmware version: 79.63 The inverters have been running well since installation back in March...