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  1. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    And if you really push it they might also give you credit toward 18k
  2. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Never really answered your question you could isolate all the load from it and have a singular circuit on it and see if the light on that one particular circuit flickers if it still does then to really get it completely isolated make you a small wire jumper with light bulb connect it straight to...
  3. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I was looking for video review for it none I could find yet. You can always try calling signature solar and see what they say maybe spec sheets might have the db level of fan.
  4. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    My suggestion get away from EG4 stuff im sure ill catch heat for it I ended up getting deye inverter that thing works like a champ 0 issues. Also signature solar got a new hybrid inverter vestwood id look into that seems like a copy of deye
  5. S

    EG4 Lifepower with Deye

    Just tried it no luck. I am using the rj45 cable that came with the batteries
  6. S

    EG4 Lifepower with Deye

    Does anyone know what RS-485 protocol eg4 lifepower 4 batteries use, I’m trying to get lifepowr 4 to communicate with Deye 8k inverter any help be appreciative thank you.
  7. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    single unit or you have two in split phase? If so make sure don’t make the same mistake as I did. They released a new eg4 6000 unit which is supposedly copy of their 18kpv inverter but cheaper option.
  8. S

    Charging batteries with GT investors

    No they told me i can get $1000 off of the 18KPV inverter that is capable of AC coupling, with the discount its still $5000 more out of pocket and then what do i do with the 6500EX since 18KPV will do it all.
  9. S

    Charging batteries with GT investors

    Hello everyone, my setup is 20kwh batteries EG4 Lifepower4 and EG4 6500EX 2x in split phase 240V setup on a subpanel that feeds half of my house. Lights, TV, fans, and a 2.5T AC with soft starter, I've got the 6500EX on a timer from 1900-1200 on SBU, and from 1200-1800 on SUB. My main panel has...
  10. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I can confirm with 100% certainty my flickering LED issue and voltage fluctuation has stopped by removing the current sharing wire. As of 1900 I am on battery power and none of my LEDs are flickerin. Voltage is steady at 120V no variations or random fluctuations. I’ve got a video of before and...
  11. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Reading it I feel like your video on the option 42! Also I have a question or at least my understanding. In order to connect to roof solar panels with micro inverters during no grid power avva I need AC coupling capable inverter that would mean the inverter is able to synch the two sources...
  12. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Yup which I skipped after seeing the first page regarding cable hookup between the two inverters
  13. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    This is what threw me off, parallel function can be used in 240 split-phase the instruction manual is misleading or at least the way I understood it, and then the diagram shows the green dotted lines being installed along with the diagram of hookup grid power hooked up as 120-120, and the...
  14. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    That is correct, I had it connected while I was having voltage fluctuation.
  15. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Indeed, I can defiantly can say I was one of the dummies to not have read the manual thoroughly and just skimmed it. hahah! probably wouldn’t have been a bad idea. Thank you everyone, I’m sorry to have wasted everyone’s time over my oversight!.
  16. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Yup I definitely failed to read that warning. I will chalk it up to 9 lives of cat on these inverter that just got used up.
  17. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I guess I skimmed passed that warning ?. It would have damaged it had it pushed lots of load through the inverters luckily it was minimal light and fan load I think that’s how I got lucky. It would had created circulating current between the inverters and probably fried the component.
  18. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    The black and red twisted pair din rail green plug cable the com gray serial are still connected. I will do a through test once sun goes down to see if truly the LED have Indeed stopped flickering. Only cables I have connect are two serial gray com cables and one Ethernet to Battery and one...
  19. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Yup I am a huge dummy!! I just saw the photo on the manual and connected it without thinking I’m running single phase 240 and NOT single phase 120 sharing current mode.
  20. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    You sir are a TRUE genius!!!! that was it! I unhooked the paralleling cable and no more voltage fluctuations and the led lights arnt blinking either!! Oh man this saved me a lot of headaches and having to spend another 5k on another inverter!!! Edit: I also was able to upgrade the MCU firmware...
  21. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    This is that is the boat I’m in right now money problem. I’m almost tempted to chance getting a Chinese brand inverter over these EG4 products at this point, they cost half of EG4 or sol ark quick googling shows sol ark 8K around same price as 18Kpv.
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    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    i haven’t even looked into solark how do they compare reliability wise/issue wise and importantly can they do proper AC coupling along with frequency shifting to curtail the solar panels output during grid outage when I want to create my tiny isolated black start island ?. edited to say: @Adam...
  23. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    My recommendation if you’re having same issues I wouldn’t put any motor based load like your appliances fridge freezer. Under low voltage motors will pull higher current could stall motors and cause overheating, also fluctuating frequency can cause issues with collapsing and energizing magmatic...
  24. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Just tried is no change in voltage and also lights are still flickering. I turn one of them off the other stayed at 111v. What's weird is for now 2P2 is at 111 and 2P1 is at 119-120 but randomly they will swap low voltage output without any changes and it only happens when it’s battery fed. When...
  25. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I also watched and read your thread omg I wish I had seen these before purchasing these POS!. Frequency jumping from 59-64hZ that’s crazy!! On a normal grid every generator would trip at 62.5hZ! I am so glad I didn’t put any of my motor based loads on these inverters or the motors life spans...
  26. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Yup I have IA signed and blessed by utility company since I work for them it only took 2 days for whole process and I live in county so no permits were required.
  27. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I will definitely keep that in mind!. But if I can’t use AC input how would I input the solar panels with micro inverters on the gen port? And how would it know grid went down and it needs to create a micro grid to wake up the solar panels on the roof?. I wonder how long SS is offering the $1000...
  28. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Hahaha indeed!
  29. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I would jump on it, but problem is what do I do with the 6500EX, I can’t just leave them hanging in my garage taking up space and be reminder of my lack of researching. Also I think flicking lights are probably frequency generator is not up to par even though it’s supposed to have a smooth 60hz...
  30. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    And now looks like WatchPower server is down…
  31. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Since these are all Chinese based inverter, and they all copy paste each others firmware I wonder if we could customize the firmware on our own. Has anyone looked into it?
  32. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I don’t know if I ever will once a week sometimes twice a week I have to drive 140miles round trip and having EV with limited range will hinder me. I’ve got friends and family members who got teslas model S and model 3s but the range anxiety and parts/repair availability gets me. I’ve got a...
  33. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    Exactly same happened to me sad part for me was I found Adam’s video until after I had my stuff in the garage in boxes ?
  34. S

    EG4 6500EX-48 Expansive lesson learned!

    I wish I knew what I know now 3 weeks ago and I’d definitely had bought the 18Kpv. Fortunately unfortunately I don’t have EV vehicles ?