diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Yup, this time it resumed fine and no downtime. I've also emailed the company to know if they were doing some maintenance (I'm was just curious), and they put a banner on the app (before the login), informing about the maintenance: But since yesterday it's working fine and all the alarms were...
  2. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Solar Assistant run local, I use Home Assistant for home automation (including the PV system) that is far superior than SA... and the software is free! :) We're talking about something else here, a cloud system that is integrated with most off-grid inverters with no additional hardware to...
  3. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Well.. I have a "LINE_FAIL" alarm since yesterday (when the server was offline), I've just noticed it. Everything is OK on the inverter (it's currently producing and serving the home, and it's reading the output power fine), but I can't clear this error in the app, it's "unhandled". Anyone else...
  4. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Someone at their end must have read this thread.. coz it just resumed at 00:00 CET. 🫡
  5. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Dunno, it happened other times and it resumed.. but never for so long. PS: please stop suggesting that solar whatever app.. we're talking about a cloud (and free) solution that doesn't require any additional hardware, for monitoring purposes only it's quite great.
  6. npole2000

    I searched for SmartESS PV undervoltage alarm and got nothing so...

    Mine too.. and every other app using the same datasource (WatchPower from Voltronic.. DESSMONITOR.. ecc.). I believe their servers went down globally, the system is online, but the data is stuck at 12:22 CET.
  7. npole2000

    Seplos 3.0 BMS (maybe) and Voltronic RS485

    Hello everyone, I'm struggling to have my Voltronic Axper Max 8000W (EU) to communicate (RS485) with my new battery pack purchased from Basen Green, so I'm trying to collect info around, as I'm not sure if the guilty here is the BMS, the Inverter or anything in the middle. The battery is this...