diy solar

diy solar

3 EASUN parallel hybrid to 2 DEYE hybrid migration

Is this happening under load ?
Under very small load. I would guess now but tomorrow I’ll check as a sunny day is forecasted.

Mu guess is that MPPT is getting it down as max MPPT voltage is 600 and absolute max is 800v.

As soon I connect string it goes to 525v
Under very small load. I would guess now but tomorrow I’ll check as a sunny day is forecasted.

Mu guess is that MPPT is getting it down as max MPPT voltage is 600 and absolute max is 800v.

As soon I connect string it goes to 525v
Looking at my 12kw label, that actually does make sense


Guess its roof climbing day today :)

I’ll just disconnect array of 6 and put them to separate input.
Well I'd wait a bit.
There is a member here from Finland that also has the 12k's and he was told by deye to run as close too 800v as he could, if I remember correctly
Can't understand why, as it seems to me running anything over 550v will be lost, but he may have a good reason.
I stayed as close to 550v as I could ( 10 panels in serie) , but maybe I missed some insight


Maybe you can provide some insights ?
Initially I went for highest voltage I could as there’s around 40m of cable between panels and inverters.

Previous inverters could only handle 140V and losses on that distance were high.

On the other hand I’m getting 7kW from panels at peak which is around 200W less than before but that I have written off on line loss.
Well I'd wait a bit.
There is a member here from Finland that also has the 12k's and he was told by deye to run as close too 800v as he could, if I remember correctly
Can't understand why, as it seems to me running anything over 550v will be lost, but he may have a good reason.
I stayed as close to 550v as I could ( 10 panels in serie) , but maybe I missed some insight


Maybe you can provide some insights ?
Well, at the time I got suggestion to go with 16S with my panels from Deye tech, I didn't know/have the time to figure it out myself as I was busy building my system/working 85-110 hours a week at the same time. Also he probably didn't know how cold it can get here. When it's under +20C voltage is always higher than 650V thus over MPPT range (200-650V). Production seems to be ok though and my Deyes produce 10-15% more than my Bluesun15Ks which are always on their MPPT range (200-950V). Can't really tell why. I have also over 100m from my array to my "Solar Corner" so keeping voltages high reduces also transfer losses.

On cold (-30C or lower)/sunny spring days voltages do go over 800V hard limit on Deyes so can't recommend going this high to anyone. I have witnessed it once looking from Deye screen. I saw voltage going up slowly to 808V and tripping inverter. Immediately after that voltage went slowly down and after 2-3 minutes or so Deye started working again after dropping under 780V. From the log I see this happening 10-20 times each spring so maybe I'm playing with fire, actual fire.