diy solar

diy solar

All IN One 220 v

ok so you feel better about the 2400 watt 100v units?...
No, I don't like 100V units either. I'm a stickler, I want my power generation rated for 240V@60 Hz, split phase with 120V. That way when it's 5% off everything else will still work.

... your power bill may not drop much but I don't know....
Your utility can provide a "net" meter; it'll measure power both ways. Some states allow you to just pay the "net", that is you consume 1200 and generate 1000, you get charged for 1200-1000=200 (200x.12=$30). Other places charge you for what you use and give you a credit, consume 1200 x .15 = $180 - 1000 x 0.009 = $171). Seems like every utility does something different.
....I will say if you do did backfeed into the grid your power bill may not drop much but I don't know. I need to remember to call Alabama Power and ask them about backfeeding and if you have to have a permit....
There is no legal way to backfeed without a permit, afaik.

Keep in mind if you have a standard meter (not net metering) your meter may actually charge you for energy your panels produced. All those "dumb" meters measure is is current that passes through it, no matter which direction the current is flowing the meter spins forward.

Do not grid tie without a proper inverter and meter...period! Now, if your power is out you can backfeed a 2 pole breaker and as long as your main breaker is off no linemen can be injured. The legal way is with an interlock switch which just makes sure only one of those breakers can be energized at once.
There is no legal way to backfeed without a permit, afaik.

Keep in mind if you have a standard meter (not net metering) your meter may actually charge you for energy your panels produced. All those "dumb" meters measure is is current that passes through it, no matter which direction the current is flowing the meter spins forward.

Do not grid tie without a proper inverter and meter...period! Now, if your power is out you can backfeed a 2 pole breaker and as long as your main breaker is off no linemen can be injured. The legal way is with an interlock switch which just makes sure only one of those breakers can be energized at once.
Had to look up AFAIK but now I know