diy solar

diy solar

California to regulate all pool pumps beginning 2025

Do you not think that those that voted for this didn’t get sort some of compensation from the equipment manufacturer that makes this miraculous pool pump controller? Do you really think that they are in if for position’s salary.
I think the pool pump manufacturers hate this. It costs them money. Pools are expensive. They already are being forced to sell variable speed pumps by Federal regulations. A 3HP pump variable speed now goes for about $1750. Our pool and spa use three of these on a various times. Ouch. that's a lot of moola. Plus pumps last a long time so its not going to be any windfall for them. And more things to go wrong and need service by the highly educated army of "pool professionals" out in the field every day.
Its enough that they have rates tiered by high demand times. People think with their wallet. We dont need government controlling every aspect of our lives.

Most people will just plug it in and forget it. Default to lower cost time of day is doing them a favor.
VCR blinking 12:00? So long as it plays the tape when inserted, that's all that matters.

Someone here thought he could measure current of an open-circuit PV string with the test leads of clamp DMM. After having shorted a single panel and used clamp ammeter to measure it's current. And that is someone trying to do hands on assembly of a PV system.

People who just buy and use products, to a great extent, have no technical understanding of its operation. Some do.
When you drive with an automatic transmission, do you think about how it functions and operate the controls to minimize wear and jerking? (maybe more significant for earlier designs.)
Most people will just plug it in and forget it. Default to lower cost time of day is doing them a favor.
VCR blinking 12:00? So long as it plays the tape when inserted, that's all that matters.

Someone here thought he could measure current of an open-circuit PV string with the test leads of clamp DMM. After having shorted a single panel and used clamp ammeter to measure it's current. And that is someone trying to do hands on assembly of a PV system.

People who just buy and use products, to a great extent, have no technical understanding of its operation. Some do.
When you drive with an automatic transmission, do you think about how it functions and operate the controls to minimize wear and jerking? (maybe more significant for earlier designs.)
Your missing the point. Its not about the pumps. Its about the government meddling in everything. If the infrastructure sucks so bad that they need to limit pool pumps, then WTF will they do if everyone does buy an EV?

The Utility should work to provide enough capacity to satisfy the demand, since thats their job, and how they make money. If someone buys a pool pump that draws a terrawatt of electric, and they are willing to pay for it, so be it.
Yes, the meddling is the problem.
EV mandate rather than maybe life cycle carbon of whatever solution.
Incandescent banned rather than simply an efficiency standard. Or better yet just the almighty dollar, let us choose to deploy incandescent vs. LED according to our needs.

They regulate monitor and laptop efficiency, and cookies, but not ads and other code that auto-execute and burn the CPU.

Regulation is needed for emissions - leaded gas, smog, tobacco smoke, solvents in ground water.

Utility could build enough infrastructure for peak demand, like the good old days. Or operate closer to 100% and curtail loads, for lower cost per kWh.

Whether it is grid collapse or gridlock, how society uses shared infrastructure impacts individuals. Somebody else tolerates a longer commute or runs their A/C contributing to no power for refrigerator or fans. Maybe we should move away from "grid neutrality" and let people pay for capacity, with throttling when not enough available (enforced by disconnect at the meter if they don't stay under the rationed percentage the contracted for.)

The whole thing gets too complex, would end up looking like health insurance.

The "haves" will put in PV and batteries. Even if for a time we had an "ObamaPower" plan and it was later dropped, California would think it was a good idea and replace it; you are required to buy your fair share from the utility grid (subsidized according to income), or else you have to pay a fine.
If the infrastructure sucks so bad that they need to limit pool pumps, then WTF will they do if everyone does buy an EV?
It's not about infrastructure it's about trying to match demand to excess solar generation so less money needs to be spent on grid batteries or gas peaker plants. This will save money on customers power bills in the long run. The CA state is doing what offgridders often do - shifting loads to periods of peak solar generation.
Except that should be accomplished by communication with VFD pumps and thermostats, rather than fixed timer.
Not all need to have that feature, but customers should be given better rates for demand response loads. Discount for consuming surplus PV, perhaps coupled with penalty for drawing during "power emergencies".

If dispatchable power generation is worth more than GT PV that delivers when the sun feels like it, dispatchable and curtailable loads deserve a discount, maybe even a payment. (Non-curtailable PV could purchase dump load capacity to qualify as curtailable.)
So every time the govt screws people (which is every time), yet people are still hopeful they can vote in a better govt? The logic escapes me.
This will save money on customers power bills in the long run.
and I have some land in florida cheap. They will allow no such thing. Theyll get us to reduce our use so they have to generate less then jack up the rates to make more than ever.
Do you work for the utilities or are you just incredibly gullible?
Most people will just plug it in and forget it. Default to lower cost time of day is doing them a favor.
VCR blinking 12:00? So long as it plays the tape when inserted, that's all that matters.

Someone here thought he could measure current of an open-circuit PV string with the test leads of clamp DMM. After having shorted a single panel and used clamp ammeter to measure it's current. And that is someone trying to do hands on assembly of a PV system.

People who just buy and use products, to a great extent, have no technical understanding of its operation. Some do.
When you drive with an automatic transmission, do you think about how it functions and operate the controls to minimize wear and jerking? (maybe more significant for earlier designs.)
Thats very special, 3 irrelevent comparisons. (You know nobody uses VCRs any more, right?)
You dont just "plug in and forget about" a pool pump system.
You either have a professional maintain it regularly or gain the knowledge to maintain it and the rest of the pool yourself.
This has nothing to do with saving money for consumers or even fighting climate change. This has everything to do with complete govt intervention in our lives. Digital currency, smart meters, electric vehicles, mass transit. Theyll take away any free choices we have to cover up their ineptitude in lack of planning and facilitate their own and corporate profits.

Lets just forget Al Gore made $100mil off smart meters while plugging his doomsday movie.
If dispatchable power generation is worth more than GT PV that delivers when the sun feels like it, dispatchable and curtailable loads deserve a discount, maybe even a payment. (Non-curtailable PV could purchase dump load capacity to qualify as curtailable.)
They'd first have to deregulate utilities like in Texas (cue collective gasp!!).
"Expect pools to be the first of many consumer goods to be made more flexible. McAllister said the agency would next tackle water heaters, residential batteries and potentially electric vehicle chargers."

No surprise.
I'm guessing at some point they'll require some kind of support for 2 way comms between utility and your battery storage/EV charger. So on those hot days when CA power system is on the edge, they'll disable battery charging. "For the good of the community". In a truly socialist utopia the government seems to be striving for maybe even forced discharge of your storage/EV back into the grid to prop it up.

It was only last year they were requesting not to charge between 4pm and 9pm, no problem extending those windows and making them mandatory.

Klaus Schwab will be lounging in his hot tub eating grade A wagyu beef while it all happens

Much quicker than you can possibly imagine
