diy solar

diy solar

Inverter that doubles as enterprise server UPS?


Solar Addict
Dec 18, 2022
As u start my 1st home build is there a good AIO inverter that'll double as a UPS with enterprise type features? Mainly power conditioning and instant switchover to batteries? Something that you'd be comfortable protecting a million dollar server array and outage would cost thousands an hour?

One of my projects is moving some of my companies servers to residences I have and wondering if I can combine projects with my solar install project. Most of our systems are in datacenters where they handle power and I have a few racks full of old UPSs that likely all have dead batteries so trying to save the huge expense of new overpriced APC type UPSs.

Still digging into the home side of things
Never seen any AiO at any price point that fits the bill. AiO are typically cheaply made.

Unless you need PV, inverter/chargers are a better choice. Some might offer power conditioning, but I've never seen one.
Yeah I'm planning solar arrays for some. Figured the ones without solar I can find a way to get lithium to work with the rack UPS type or build an agm bank.

Haven't seen any either just making sure it wasn't something I'm missing or some different name for power conditioning when in an inverter