diy solar

diy solar

Is a 3000 watt inverter overkill in a mobile application such as an RV?


New Member
Oct 24, 2020
I was not sure where best to post this so used general discussion. If it is best elsewhere please advise and I will move it.
I am ordering a new Inverter/converter for my Motorhome with plans to later this year replace my lead acid batteries with LFP. Currently I have a Xantrex Freedom 485-25 (2500 watt) unit that is modified sine and 4 golf cart batteries in 2S2P for 12v output. Initial advise was to upgrade to a 3000 watt I?C like the Xantrex SW 3012. In doing so I am learining that this will also require upgrading AC output wiring from 12ga to 10 ga or putting in line breakers to limit output to 20 amp. Other that the occational use of high wattage appliances such as the microwave, coffee maker, hair dryer, induction range or space heater when boon docking, I do not see any use with a draw over 2000 watts. Perhaps running the induction range (1 burner) and coffee machine at the same time could exceed that. We do not dry camp a lot and do have access to LP when we do so that can of course that can take off some of the strain. The only other big A/C draws are electronics like a computer or TV. THise items likely draw less than 1000 watts combined. There is not a huge difference between a 2k and 3K I/C ( a couple hundred bucks) but am I making a mistake to go to the larger unit with greater watt usage when idle and the extra cost of rewiring etc.?
I got a 3000 W one for my system .... even though I doubt I will need it. The way I was thinking is that it is better to have an inverter that is "idling" instead of one that is having to do full capacity all the time.
Please take this input with a handful (versus a grain) of salt, given that I've very little knowledge in this area and have yet to actually build my currently being designed built BUT: my sense is that I'd rather have a system that is substantially more robust than my anticipated needs so I'm never or rarely running/drawing at or even near the system's peak capacity. Regarding the greater watt usage when idle, add a shut off to the inverter and turn on only when needed. It doesn't sound like you have any always on components. The re-wiring though does sound like a drag. IMHO
3000 watts plus its low frequency.
Meaning it can deliver 6000 watts for 5 seconds.
I got a 3000 W one for my system .... even though I doubt I will need it. The way I was thinking is that it is better to have an inverter that is "idling" instead of one that is having to do full capacity all the time.
One of the main uses for our 3K Victron is to supplement the shore power when we are saddled with 30A. No more hair dryer breaker trips!
Thanks to you all. I was having 2nd thoughts about the 3k watt I/C i had ordered and as they are back ordered I still had time to change my mind. Like Lance I generally air on the side of extra, so you comments gave me the comfort I needed.