diy solar

diy solar

LG Chem 51.8v 189Ah ESS Battery


Mar 22, 2020
Hi, I purchased the 189ah version of this LG Chem battery from Batteryhookup a few months back. I've been trying to figure out how to communicate with the on-board BMS but haven't had luck. Has anybody had luck using this battery? I bought the Growatt 3kw inverter/charger and would like to connect to this battery. Thanks!

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ever have any luck talking to this BMS? Ever open one up and document what's inside?
Hi, I just picked up 3 of these same units and am following along to see what folks have to say about them. I don't know much about them yet, other than an initial look at the inside of one. They seem like well made units. I wasn't planning on using the installed BMS as I figured communicating with it wasn't feasible, but if it is possible, that'd be good to know. If folks are going with a separate BMS, like I was planning to do, I'd be interested in how they are going about it.
Google 'w0ss semi DIY powerwall V2' for more info on these. It doesn't appear that anyone has had luck commuicating with the internal BMS, in fact they don't appear to be true BMS's at all. I am using an external Daly BMS, you might want to use something like a Watchmon 5 with 3 of these.
Thanks! I actually stumbled across that thread the other day and found it to be very helpful. I was not thinking of using a Batrium device but after reading that thread I'm looking into the Watchmon. I will likely hop over to that forum and ask a bunch more questions.
Just got mine yesterday. Anyone know if it's OK to install these standing up? They would fit nicely in my cabinet if installed vertically.
Just got mine yesterday. Anyone know if it's OK to install these standing up? They would fit nicely in my cabinet if installed vertically.

Glad you asked, because I was wondering the same. A vert install would be best space-wise for my setup as well. So, when I picked up my modules, I asked Ryan that same question, who called Tom to confirm that, yes, like any other Li battery, they can be installed any which way. So, yes, functionally they can be vertical. But maybe you already knew that. The only thing I wasnt sure about is how to support them in that position and if the enclosure (the back panel) could handle the weight of the battery if stood upright. It seems solid enough, but obviously these were intended to be set up horizontally.. so I'm 100% sure. I'd be curious how you are thinking of setting them up/mounting them as I'm still trying to decide exactly what I will do.
The back panel (in the middle where there's a slight bulge) looks solid. I have that part resting on wood standing in my cabinet on a 2×12 board do that I have space for the vent in the back still. I have not wired them up yet. Still waiting for the verdict to see if the arrangement is ok before finalizing me install.