diy solar

diy solar

Offgrid: Solar Panels produce more power than my systems consume.


New Member
Aug 28, 2022
What would happen if Solar Panels produce more power than my systems consume and I use BLUETTI AC300 + B300 and batteries are already fully charged?

For example, Solar Panels produce 800W, but my systems only consume 300W. Batteries are fully charged 100%.
The controller will let the voltage float up approaching Voc while the current comes down, producing less power
Once the batteries are full there will be no draw on the panels until a load is presented. During that time the panels will just sit there providing shade. Once the Bluetti starts feeding a load the charge controller on it will get the panels to start sending energy into the Bluetti.

Basically, in short, if there is no load on your system AND the batterie are completely full, then your panels just sit there collecting dust and providing shade.

If you're in that kind of situation it's not a bad thing, especially when winter hits and the panels can't provide much power to begin with. At that point all those extra panels you've got connected will start chipping in to help power the loads and recharge the batteries.
Think of a wall outlet. It can supply 15 amps. What happen to the extra 14.9 amp when you plug in a night light? Nothing

It's not a perfect analogy, but good enough for this situation.
Angels use the unwanted power to recharge their wings.

Sorry, but no load means no draw.
Thank you for your answer. What do you mean they wont? If I have 1500W Solar Panels and they produce 800W power, but only systems take 300 total?
A 1500w panel means that’s the typical maximum power that array can provide. In practice depending on load demands the panel can produce from 0W to 1500W. It does not produce power that isn’t wanted.