diy solar

diy solar

SWA cable


Learning, fast and slow.....
Sep 17, 2023
Can I use 6mm2 SWA cable to take the DC output of my panels from one end of the house to the inverter - or are dedicated solar DC cables better? Looking for cost-effective, safe, solution - panels are on one roof and cable has to pass over ridge, down other roof (however I can get it done, ideally internally but not simple) then across side of house to connection box..... recommendations for suppliers of well-priced cable welcomed too (UK).
thanks. Any preferences for which if burying to go from one part of house to another? Do both need conduit - I assume the SWA can be directly buried across the lawn?
I always use conduit and size it so extra cables can be fitted later and leave a pull cord in place.
that's what I've done in the past but slicing a thin trench through the lawn is much easier than a thicker trench for conduit. I assume there are regs for depth but I'll do 600mm or so. I don't expect to need another connection as it's from a roof to the garage. However, I could possible route it along the guttering across the house to a different location (I plan to have 2 inverters, but either way they are a long way from these extra panels - close to the main arrays tho).