diy solar

diy solar

Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

Dude I ain't rich by any stretch and I benefited from that cut.
You got a Netflix paid for a month. Amazing!

And don't worry, it phases out for the poors and it doesn't for the rich, all while making the deficit that you suddenly don't care about worse.

But I guess it's not for the deep state green energy like these rebates so it's all good?
The Climate doomsday people have been screaming "The sky is falling" since the 60's ( At least when I started to pay attention ).
CO2 is .04 % and since the industrial age it has increased .001%. Energy is what makes a great economy. And while we are pissing and moaning over green energy, social manipulation, war, and the border, inflation etc. The Great Reset marches on............
Love to see your crayon math on that statement. Seems like you definitely studied at NASA

I think tax cuts for the rich, and controlling vaginas and the things upstream from them will probably solve this problem. We nailed it with those cuts in 2016 didn't we!?
How many trillions could we save if cancel all the trillions added to national debt since 9-11.

In case you don’t know we spent around ~$5 trillion dollars up to 9-11
We now owe estimated ~$33 trillion dollars

How much could we cut if cancelled all those old trillion dollar expenditures.?

The $5 trillion put up front on covid even had transgender studies monies - headed to foreign countries …. We could cut that wasteful spending by sending them our transgenders to study over there. Our kids might miss the clown shows but there are benefits…. Keep the pedo away from the kids too. Registered sex offenders are not suppose to be around kids anyway.
You got a Netflix paid for a month. Amazing!

And don't worry, it phases out for the poors and it doesn't for the rich, all while making the deficit that you suddenly don't care about worse.

But I guess it's not for the deep state green energy like these rebates so it's all good?

Good job making assumptions about my finances. I don't even have Netflix (and don't care to). Saved me more than that though.
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Let’s charcoal grill all the cows ,,ribeyes , t bones , burgers…for Americans ..FREE..
If the FED can give free money, housing and a phone to everybody in the world ,they can buy us some damn cows… and real chunk charcoal with fossil fuel lighter fluid….
A Smoked meat smell in every town will wipe out the Green Weenies, leaving more space to live , and room to grow more cows …..lotsa cows…
Then we will eat all of them again . ……and again….

P.S. yes we also want Free baked potatoes and salads ………and beer..!

Make America Grill Again…..
Dang someone does not know what parts per "million" means.........
Maybe you can help then, you seem really smart... Specifically the 0.001% increase.

Patiently awaiting. Do you think you can complete the math before you eat the crayon?

Just to give you a math head start, here are the numbers you need to work with to get 0.001%

As of May 2022, the global average concentration
of CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 parts per million (ppm). This is a 50% increase since the start of the Industrial Revolution, when levels were around 280 ppm. The increase is due to human activity.
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Good job making assumptions about my finances. I don't even have Netflix (and don't care to). Saved me more than that though.
I don't need to assume your finances... The tax cuts phase out for us... Unless you are a corporation I'm typing to?

And conveniently you no longer care about the deficit they caused right?
How many trillions could we save if cancel all the trillions added to national debt since 9-11.

In case you don’t know we spent around ~$5 trillion dollars up to 9-11
We now owe estimated ~$33 trillion dollars

How much could we cut if cancelled all those old trillion dollar expenditures.?

The $5 trillion put up front on covid even had transgender studies monies - headed to foreign countries …. We could cut that wasteful spending by sending them our transgenders to study over there. Our kids might miss the clown shows but there are benefits…. Keep the pedo away from the kids too. Registered sex offenders are not suppose to be around kids anyway.
View attachment 199435
Marjorie Taylor Greene is that you? When did you get into solar
I don't need to assume your finances... The tax cuts phase out for us... Unless you are a corporation I'm typing to?

And conveniently you no longer care about the deficit they caused right?
Oh I do care about the deficit. The fix for that is to stop spending so much on waste instead of taxing us more to pay for stupid DEI programs in the middle east or whatever other hair brained ideas they come up with.
Maybe you can help then, you seem really smart... Specifically the 0.001% increase.

Patiently awaiting. Do you think you can complete the math before you eat the crayon?

Just to give you a math head start, here are the numbers you need to work with to get 0.001%

As of May 2022, the global average concentration
of CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 parts per million (ppm). This is a 50% increase since the start of the Industrial Revolution, when levels were around 280 ppm. The increase is due to human activity.
You still do not understand. That's OK time will fix that.
Like the real world you are a minority just like in this post. Problem is you can’t even recognize it.

That in itself speaks volumes about you. The World opinion is turning against you.
I am? How do you decide this? By losing elections and declaring them stolen? Insurrections?